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Feeney's, Andy's, and Ernesto's Reviews and Stuff!


March 5,2005 @1:10 PM by Feeney
We probably wont be doing any reviews for a good while seeing as all 3 of us are well what you might call horribly obsessed with World of Warcraft. The next review will prob be a review or WOW and we might do a Journal of our travels.Anywayz we are still looking for an HTML expert(email at and also if you want to play World of Warcraft with us just PM Soldios aka Ketchup or me (something like Adrianaar seriously how am I supposed to rember my own name,o well just ask Soldios) on the Malygos realm. O yea and Resident Dyssentry(forgive my spelling im to lazy to check how to spell it) seems to be down :(

February 14, 2005 @ 2:40 PM by Ketchup
We are currently looking for an HTML expert. If you are interested in the site and know HTML, please e-mail us at
February 11, 2005 @ 10:10 PM by Ketchup
Feeney has just added a book review for "The Da Vinci Code". Don't worry about the horrible grammar and whatnot, he posts these things before he gives me a chance to edit them, and then he puts off fixing the mistakes I tell him to. Bah. You know, I think I'd make a good critical editor. You know, one of those big jerks who just yell and stuff. Well, the review for "The Da Vinci Code" (the real one) will be up soon, and there will be more reviews to come. I'm working on some webcomic ideas right now, since the Killer Kitty thing was just something I pulled out of my ass when I heard Feeney and Ernie were making a site. Don't worry, in time a good one will come. Also, feel free to post on our message board thing to give us any suggestions, especially if you're some kind of HTML whiz, because I've never worked with it before and don't know all the tags I'd like to. One final thing for those idiots out there... Read again to find out what it is. (This should provide some fun.)


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