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  HOW TO; Make Distress Flares




25cm piece of plastic piping (PVC)

Food Coloring (Whichever you want it to be!) I chose Yellow It had something to do with me not havingany other colour.

Three (3) packets of sparklers (party type)


Paper and Cardboard (Small pieces)

Sticky tape



1. Get your piece of piping and jam pieces of cardboard and paper up at about half-way. This is to prevent any sparkler material from falling through.

2. With your fingertips, crush up all of the sparkler material from the metal holding piece. It should look like this.

3. Now with a funnel pour all of this material into the pipe. add you desired food coloring.


4. Get a sparkler and use it as a fuse. Jam it down the side where the material is situated. Make sure that there is a bit left at the top to light. Sticky tape the top shut.

5. Go outside and light the thing off. For the first try don't hold the damned thing! See how it works / reacts then you know in which way to treat the thing!


A small video of this thing going off...! Only the end of it though... ; )
