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:. Welcome to the IH CLAN WEB SITE!
Welcome. Clicking one of the links on the navigation bar will bring you to a part of this site. Please note that at he moment, only IH_GOA_Tommyguy, IH_GEN_Jake, and IH_BGEN_WhosMyDaddy can recruit members. If you do wish to join, please contact them in-game or through email. We mostly play on Team Matches, but we have a round of Tug of War every once in a while. Check this clan out, you won't be dissapointed.

*Note* We mostly play the Spearhead expansion.

:. Navigation
:. Forum
:. Contact


:. Posted Jan 25, 2004
Name: WhosMyDaddy
Post: Here is the NEW and IMPROVED layout for the IH Clan site.
© 2004 IH Clan
 designed by ghettodesigns