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Darknoir is interactive fiction role-playing; that is, role-playing without a fancy, complicated gaming system. There are no point totals, experience points, or dice to worry about and the Story Teller handles all conflicts. Everyone contributes to the development of the story. While Darknoir In Nomine is based in the setting of a more traditional gaming system, there is no need to know the system to play.


For those of you for whom all that meant nothing, interactive fiction is simply a chance to escape into a world and a personality different from your own. It is a chance to live adventure in exotic settings and to be someone you could never be in this world. This is done through interactive story writing with other role-players. It is, in effect, a cross between a game of pretend and authoring an escape novel. This is the setting for Darknoir In Nomine. The world is the Earth of today, but seen from the perspective of the War between Heaven and Hell. Our central characters are humans and soldiers and the angels and demons around them.


Below are links to the information you will need for the game. Please go through these and let the Story Teller know if you need any more information.



The Bright Dream  |  The Dark Dream  |  Character Creation  |  Background Guidelines

GURPS  |   Time in Darknoir  |  Soldiers  |  The P.I.T  |  Darkness: The Story

Project Blue Book  |  Project Star Gate  

|  EMAIL  |