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World Of Warcraft- The most Beautiful and Addicting MMORPG to Date

PROS/CONS FOR THIS SOFTWARE PRO: The beautiful low poly count environment. After playing for the last 3 months, I've only seen half of the "World". CON: This game is damn addicting! When you get sucked into it, you'de better have a lot of time on your hands becuase playing this game is all you'll be doing. PRO: 3,800 current in game quests (Diablo 2 only had like 30....thats with the expansion) CON: Upgrading your spells/professions can be quite pricey....But you don't really need to worry about saving your money until your character reaches level 35 or so(This is to save up for a mount (Vehicle) ). PRO: Endless items/weapons! CON: Server downtime for 4-6 hours every tuesday morning. PRO: New content added with every 4-6 downtime. CON: Server Lag Issues. With 1000's of other people playing on the same server as you, at the same time, your "lag" and the game's "lag" become quite an issue.


Visit the WoW (World of Warcraft) Official Community Website

Check this webpage out! It has all the information that you want to know about WoW!!
