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My Mugen Screenshots

Welcome to my online Mugen screenshot page. More coming soon!

Mugen Screenshot 1

Marle: "Too slow!", you say? Okay! O by the power of the time and space, grant me the ability to surpass the time and speed than those whom oppose me... HASTE! 1, 2, 3... Ready or not, here I come!

Mugen Screenshot 2

Meanwhile, back at the battle in space and... well it's hard to describe in words... Yashiro: Two bad guys to beat? Okay, here I come! HSDM Attack! Yashiro's Million Bash... *Screech...* (Stops to a sudden halt). Hey, Misuzu! Please give me a hand! Misuzu: ... I think I couldn't do it... I just like to enjoy the landscape here... It's so beautiful... Yashiro: Huh?