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Hall of Fame

Welcome to Civil War 2's Hall of Fame. If you play Civil War 2, you are encouraged to vote once per game year (once a month in Real Life).

This Hall of Fame contains 2 votes, which you will learn more about right now.

Out-of-Character Vote

Here you have to vote for the 5 players that you think are the best players in Qpawn. Remember that it is not who are your allies, or best friends - it is who do you think is playing the game best!
When you vote, just write down the countries name:
Country 1 gets: 12 points

Country 2 gets: 8 points

Country 3 gets: 6 points

Country 4 gets: 4 points

Country 5 gets: 2 points

The countries leader with most votes is CW 2's OOC leader of the year.

In-Character Vote

This is the chance to vote as a leader. Which 3 countries does your character like best?

Which country does your Character most dislike/ are afaid of/ have bad relations with?

It is a good idea to look at the member list to refresh your mind who is playing Civil War 2.
Note: only players on the players list are eligable.


    -All leaders in the world can vote (avatars can also vote).
    -A leader cannot vote for himself.
    -All votes are confidential
    -The name of the leader and the country of the leader must be written
    -Leaders that vote will automatically be given 2 points

    Lastly, we ask you to give your opinion on who should win this years Nobel Peace Prize. You cannot vote for yourself and give yiour honest oppinion.

    Civil War 2 Hall of Fame

    What is your leader's name?

    What country/position do you play?

    OOC Leader of the Year

    The 5 best players in Civil War 2 are (name countries)


    IC Voting

    My Country respects/likes/admires these countries


    My Country least respects/likes/admires these countries


    Who do you think should win this year's Nobel Peace Prize?