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Ulysses' Challenge #2
(Click here for last month's challenge)

(Who is Ulysses?)

This month's puzzle is a fairly easy crossword!   

You can print the puzzle, fill it out and either turn it in at club or mail it (with your name and return address!) to Chess Odyssey, 2373 NW 185th, #261 Hillsboro, OR 97124, or you can type your numbered answers in an email and send it here.  

The first student from each Chess Odyssey club to send Ulysses the correct solution before the 4/25/03 deadline will win a prize.  In addition, every Chess Odyssey student who submits a solution will earn 2 points, or a possible 5 points if Ulysses agrees that your solution is correct.  If you're not a Chess Odyssey student, feel free to send us your answer also (though prizes are only for those in our programs)--we'll be happy to let you know how you did.

1. The player whose flag falls first is said to _____ (3 words)
6. One piece attacking two enemy pieces
7. Publishes official rule book
8. Ulysses' home town
9. 2003 Linares champion
11. ________ Institute is SFO's chess club
15(a). # of Chess Odyssey camps on our calendar
16(a). Short for Portable Game Notation
17. An unprotected, exposed piece
19(a). Our slogan (2 words)
21. Type of clock we recommend
22. Short for Queen's Gambit Accepted
2. Ben Franklin's guidelines for the game (3 words)
3. We use ______ Blitz rules (acronym)
4. National game of India
5. World Chess Hall of Fame location
10. The piece that can never be captured
12. Subject of Attitude Check #2
13. ________ voyage
14. Chess was brought to America from here
15(d). Highest-ranked player in the Northwest
16(d). A common tactical move
18. 2002 World Youth Championships host country
19(d). The most active Internet chess server
20. Encyclopedia of Chess Openings

Hint:  Look for answers to most of the clues on our other web pages, especially  
    Clock rules, USCF, The Voyage, Chess News, Some History, Calendar,
     Ben FranklinBlitz rules, Other Fun Games, Attitudes and Chess Links.

Solution to Ulysses' Challenge #2

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