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Ulysses' Solution to Challenge #3

The Knight's Tour

Ulysses' challenge for you this month was:  beginning on the f3 square, move your knight progressively around the board, as knights move, touching each square only once, and finishing back where you started on f3.  There is more than one possible sequence for the solution!  

The Knight's Tour is a chess puzzle made famous by George Koltanowski.
George would glean information from audience members such as phone    
    numbers, serial numbers of dollar bills, etc., to mark/identify each square,
and then spend 1-5 minutes committing this information to memory.        
He would then not only solve the Knight's Tour "blindfolded" (actually  
  with his back to the board), but he would do so calling out the identifying
information for each square from memory!   

Follow Ulysses to two great links where you can learn more about the    
Knight's Tour and its solution:

The Knight's Tour and Geometric Patterns      

Nine-year-old German boy solves the Knight's Tour 

Still have questions?  Email Pete here.

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