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Improving Your Game

"Play the opening like a book, the middle game like a magician, and the endgame like a machine."
                                                                                                                                ~Rudolf Spielman        

New!  Coach's Corner teaching pages:
#1--Trouncing the Four-Move Checkmate

What other topics would you like to see on the Coach's Corner?  Email Pete here


If Chess Odyssey instruction could be satisfactorily accomplished solely via the Internet, then ours would be an online educational program.  But our energy, excitement, experience, unique curriculum and individualized attention cannot be had without direct personal interaction, as in our clubs.  To grow well, chess players must have a mentoring relationship with a good chess coach--a benefit which books, software, etc., cannot provide.

In the future, we will be adding to and expanding this portion of the web site in various ways (for one thing, Coach Pete's been itching to write a piece for parents entitled "How to Beat Your Kid at Chess").  :-)  For now, check out some of the useful resources available online (most are free):

Links to get you started:
Richard James' UK site, ChessKids Academy
Manus Patrick Fealy's Chess Tutorial
'Chess is Fun'--Jon Edwards' introduction to chess
Exeter Club Coaching Index
Bruce Pandolfini's 64 Commandments of Chess

Classic games to study:
Match wits with Bobby Fischer, Part 1
Match wits with Bobby Fischer, Part 2
Match wits with Garry Kasparov, Part 1
Match wits with Garry Kasparov, Part 2
Best Games of the Best Players
Classic Games of World Champions (some are miniatures)
Best All-Time Games (one opinion)
Dr. Dave's Canon of Educational Chess Games

Practice online:
Logical Chess Tactics Trainer
Logical Chess Pawn Work
Logical Chess Endgame Studies
Logical Chess Tactical Problem Tablebase
Logical Chess Searchable Endgame Database
Chess Visualization Training

Did you know?
You can earn high school credit by taking Maurice Ashley's ChessMastery course through Keystone Virtual High School


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