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Greetings Norrath!!
Special thanks to Siilent and all the others for making this possible and for having faith in me ...You all will hold a special place in my heart...Okay enuff with the mushy crap already and let's get down to what we are really about...LOL

At the moment we are right now a small tight group of friends that come to Everquest looking for fun...We enjoy helping others but do not wish to be abused of our kindness... We do expect others to pull for themselves but if help is needed we are there for that as well...We are trying to keep the guild fun and alive!!

We are a group of people who seek to raid evil and good cities as we please...Always looking for blood from the villagers and guards that patrol the populated cities...We plan to hunt and raid dungeons, planes and help our members get the possible items they are wishing...So if you are looking for a group of close friends to share some time with we might just be what you are looking for...Join us and above all have fun!!...We can't guarantee that the item you seek will always be obtained but we can promise that we will have fun trying and that our members will at least put a smile on your face when they accidently jumped into deadly pits and jump off cliffs!!...LOL

Chaos & Disorder A Bristlebane Guild