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Blonde 8

One day a blonde was sitting on a plane next to one of those smart businessmen. He asks her if she would like to play a game. She politely declines, but the man explains the game to her anyway. He says, "It goes like this: I will ask you a question and if you get it wrong you will give me $5, and vice-versa." She said no again, and tried to fall asleep.

The man begged and said, "I'll give you $50 for each question. Or how about $500?" At that number, the blonde agreed. The businessman explains again, "If you get my question wrong you give me $5. And when you ask the question, and I get it wrong, I will pay you $500. "Okay," she replies.

He asks, "Who was the sixth president?" She admits she doesn't know, gives him $5.

Now it's her turn, and she says, "What has green legs, green arms and two bobbing, googly-eyes?" The businessman doesn't know -- he uses his laptop, checks the internet, emails his friends. No one knows the answer. So he gives her $500.00.

Then, as they're landing he asks her, "What was that thing anyway?" She thinks a few minutes, hands him $5 and walks off the plane.

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