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Blonde 4

One day a blond woman decided to take a trip to Hawaii. She had been planning this trip for about 10 years and was relieved when she finally stepped foot on the plane. She sat down in first class, even though her seat was in coach.

A couple minutes later a businessman walked in very tired from the hard day at work. He looked at his ticket and tried to find his seat. When he did he was surprised to see a blond woman in his seat. He approached her and said, "Excuse me, but you're in my seat."

The woman looked up at him very puzzled and said, "I'm blond, I'm not stupid, and this is my seat."

Even after trying to show the woman that he was right and she was wrong, she would not move. After trying several times to get this confused woman out of his seat, he decided to tell the flight attendant. He went up to the attendant and said, "Excuse me, sir, this blond lady won't get out of my seat."

The attendant said, "Sir, I have the perfect solution. Every year we get one of these." He approached the woman and whispered something in her ear. Within seconds, the blond woman sprinted to the back of the plane and took a seat.

The businessman was amazed and asked what in the world he said to her. The attendant turned around with a big smile on his face. "I told her that only the back of the plane was going to Hawaii."

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