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Blonde 25

It was a really hot day and this blonde decided she would go buy a Coke. So she went to the coke machine and put her money in, and a Coke came out so she kept putting money in it, and since it was a hot day a line had formed behind her.

Finally the man behind her said, "Will you hurry up we're all hot and thirsty!"

And the blonde turned around and said, "No way. I'm still winning!"

******************************************************* One day, a blonde's neighbor goes over to her house, sees the blonde crying, and asks her what happened. The blonde said that her mother had passed away. The neighbor made her some coffee and calmed her down a little and then left.

The next day the neighbor went back over to the house and found the blonde crying again. She asked her why she was crying this time.

The blonde said, "I just got off of the phone with my sister. Her mother died too!"

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