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Hi everyone this is my NeoHome 

here I'll tell u  everything about me


My real Profile

Name: Nouf

Birthday: 27/Sep/1987

Nationality: Emirates

Country: United Arab Emirates

City: Dubai

My NeoFriends:

angelic_ layer



Neo family

The Arabian Princess (little sister)


well I feel that they are Very Important People & I wish to be their friend.



Death Knight

Shadow Slayer

Dragon Fang


THANKS TO All These members

 they helped me a lot

angelic_ layer




Death Knight

Shadow Slayer

Dragon Fang






:#:#Things I Hate:#:#

I live In Dubai In Rashidya near the Airport

when I'm going to sleep I hear the Airplanes

moving above my head and then I really gets

mad and after that cries finally  fell asleep :sleepy:


I Hate Fast Food they Suck :Puke:

I hate LCD computers they hurt my eyes.

I hate Errors in Computer

I hate Square Enix

People I hate

I hate someone who hates Anime&Manga

I also hate someone who hates RPGgames

I hate Nasty people specially girls

guys I wonder why there are a lot of girls doing nasty things with every man they meet

specially  when I watch new movies the guys love the girl who do nasty things

I mean is that true or it is just in movies

so that's why I only watch Movies Like The Gladiator, The Lord Of the rings

I hate Criminals specially those who kills without regret.

I hate people who hate Asians

I hate people who said bad things about Asians

EXAMPLE: when I was at school some girls said bad things about Japanese and u know what:; I told her that if u say something else I will not talk to u anymore so she apologized.

I really was mad that I could gave her a punch, but u know if I did that I will be kicked out of school and they will call my parents.

People I like on NEOseeker

Ceasar silver berg *sniff* he left neoseeker


Half Demon Inuyasha






Seymour from Final Fantasy X


u r really handsome I love your smile your hands your hair your body your eyes, u  just makes me feel comfortable oh Seymour u r my love u r my husband too.

Auron from Final Fantasy X


Auron I love the way u talk

I love your arms when u fight

u r a real man.

Darc from Arc The Lad the twilight of the spirits



Darc Darc u r really hot cute handsome

I really love your body

ah I love u so much.

Riku from Kingdom Hearts

<img src="">

Riku u r my teenage love

u look cute your smile is magical

 and I really liked your ideas


Solon Jhee from Suikoden II

<img src="">

Ah solon u r so hot handsome

& strong

solon I love u

u r my ...Lover


Sheena from Suikoden II&Suikogaiden

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Sheena I love you I feel that u r

so cute I love your way

when u talk about girls.


Hesoka from HunterXHunter

I love cause u r always smiling and u always makes me feel happy

Kurapika from HunterXHunter

ahh u r something else I love u I feel that u r SOO cute

Sessomaru from Half demon Inuyasha

I love your soft long hair your face ahh handsome


Camus from Suikoden II&Suikogaiden

<img src="">

Camus u r my noble man I really like you when u say "lady"

I love u cause u r calm and wise.


Hugo from Suikoden III

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Hugo I luv u cause u r so cute, brave, strong & sensitive

Hugo I love u


Albert Silverberg from Suikoden III

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Albert I love u cause  u r quite calm & SOO handsome

I love your hair style & color

I love u.


Pesmerga from Suikoden II

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I love u although u seem mysterious

I really love your hair

I hope to see your eyes sometime

I love u.

Riou from Suikoden II & Suikogaiden

Riou I love cause you are a real hero^O^


Seed from Suikoden II & Suikogaiden

Seed I love so much I really like your evil smile *Kisses*

Sephiroth from Kingdom Hearts

I love you so much I feel that u r a true evil I REALLY LIKE YOUR EYES*0*

The flame champion from Suikoden III

Flamy that's your nickname I love u cause u r the leader please forget about the old hag I am your love now OK

Imagine that I'm a man and My Loves are

Sierra from Suikoden II & Suikogaiden

Sierra I love u cause u r old and acts cute and childish

Nanami from Suikoden II & Suikogaiden

Nanami I love u cause u r so pretty and responsible

Annalee from Suikoden II & Suikogaiden

Annalee I love u cause u r so Beautiful and u can sing too


I have a lot  of love , when I remember I'll write them here later.