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She lives 3/8/04
Wow I'm here and updating...impressive isn't it? Well theirs going to be alot of changes to this site when I get around to it...hopefully. I know defenitly this summer their will be a new layout up because this one is just pissing me off for some reason...don't know why, probubly its just to dull for me. Well anyway I'm back into action with updating the site and all that.

School...Yuck 11/11/03
Yep blame school, haven't updated the site in a lonng while. I am finally starting to work on signatures and backrounds once more...thank god. Just saying once more I'm still alive.

She lives! 10/17/03
Ya exactly what that says, I'm still alive and ticking! You already new that though silly right? ^-^ Anyway so ya get ready for some new stuff coming to the site and some more signatures and wallpapers!

Cleaning is Fun.. 9/13/03
Well I did a MAJOR cleanup around the site. Look around trust me you will notice. In other news I got the Words Page up finally. As you can notice I took down My LiveJournal links on all the pages and stuck it under Words because It was kinda stupid having it on everypage. Also I moved my articles to the words section. All I have left to do is make a new splash page and redo the main page. So thats it for now I'm out.

2 Wallpapers up! 8/30/03
Yup exactly what it says. You can use them on your computer. ^_^ So go check out the Assorted Cgi's page for them. ^_^

*Scary Music Starts to Play*<< 8/29/03
School has started..well it started tuesday. Fun right their really << Well its cool to see all my friends but the work part sucks..major -_- Anyway I won't be able to be on the comp as much, probubly the weekends and off days I'll be on.

First Article writen by me is up! 8/16/03
Well its up so Read it! ^_^ Trust me their is more to come, I'm not going to update everytime I write one, well maybe I will...I dunno @_@. xD

Cleaning is fun...kinda o_O 8/16/03
Well I cleaned up...ALOT! Take a look around, the site looks alot better. *cough cough assorted cgi's* Of course I cleaned up some other stuff to. Thats about it, Anna out!

New Guestbook 8/15/03
Well I got a new guestbook for the site because the old one was ugly >< yucky. So go sign this one! ^_^ In other news I'm finally going to get into gear once more and their will be some changes to the site so look for them. ^_^

Lazyness gets you nowhere in Life 8/2/03
Yup well just saying I'm alive and ticking once more. I've desided to get off of my lazy butt and make more signatures so watch for them.

Coolness Times 2!! 7/24/03
Well I was getting sick of the link button I had for the site. In my opinion it was kinda stupid so I changed it, I just overwrited the link of the old button.

Isn't it purdy?! ^_^
Also the main page is still under "Getting redone kinda construction"...whatever that means XD. I am currently working on putting up a chatter box for you talking pleasure. I am still working on it though and hopefully it will be up soon. Until then adios amigos!

Coolness 7/21/03
Notice anything? The mainpage has a new cool layout! I like it alot! ^_^ I thought I would have some cool random thing under the updates and this is what I came up with (creative huh? ^.^) Anyway the site looks even better now! ^_^ Besides the mainpage their are little minor changes everywhere on the site. Look around when you get a chance and you will notice. Until the next update cya!

Back and in Pain...Oww 7/20/03
Well I just got back from Soccer Camp. But it sucks because I broke my middle finger, index finger, and my thumb. At soccer camp when I was on a break away in the middle of a soccer game I colided into some girl and she ended up having to be taken to the hospital and as for me what I just said above. I will be making new works of art soon. So stay tuned ^_^

Random Junk 7/1/03
Well I'm not going to be here July 6th to the 20th. I am going away to a nike soccer camp, to get ready for highschool soccer. Yay fun! In other random news I changed the font for the site, I think this looks cooler! ^_^ Well dat bout it. Anna out.

A Little Reminder ^^ 6/27/03
Just saying I am not going to put a note up on the update page everytime I made a new signature because I make signatures constantly. And that would be really annoying. XD Anyway so expect new signatures constantly in the signature gallery. Hey their is some new ones now go check them out!

Just for all you Idiots ^_^ 6/25/03
Well I realized that some of you out their didn't realize that the buttons on the left you could actually click on. So just for you idiots out their I added the links at the top and bottom of the pages too so enjoy. ^_^

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