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Backup Games and DVD's

PC Software and Games
Full DVD List
PS2 Games
Working PSP Games

Hi folks first the bad news. I had a bit of a PC disaster last weekend and managed to fry my main hard drive. I lost all your guys e-mail addresses hence i cant send out any update flyers. Could you please e-mail me your current address so I can start to populate a new list. I also lost some software and installion instuctions with serials. Please ask before you order in case I have lost the item you were after.

Now the good news. I have had a lot of touching e-mails asking if there was any chance I could stay open for a bit longer. I have thought about it long and hard and have decided to stay open for the time being. I cant promise at the moment how long that would be but will keep you informed. i will update the site sometime next week.

I now have a list of working PSP games so please e-mail me and i will forward on.
