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Welcome to the Unnoficial Heaven & Earth Training Outwar ThugBuilder.

All you have to do is leave this browser window open and it will do the work for you.

You can surf the web or just leave thugbuilder going when you are away from the computer!

Launch the builder NOW!! CLICK HERE!!!

Current Members: 2

I will try to update the builder every Friday. Remember, please wait for a conformation email after you sign up. I will put your website into the script ASAP but I probably won't upload it to the server until Friday. I will actually try to update it every couple of days but I'm not guaranteeing anything.

Come visit our forum HERE!!

That is only 25 minutes a day if not you will be removed from list!

Join the Heaven and Earth Traing crew and your link will automatically be added to this thug builder!!!
Not only will you be part of a kick ass crew, but you will gain power and money as you watch your thugs grow everyday!!!

If your rank: You'll be added into the script:
1 4 times!!!!
2 3 times!!!
3 2 times!!
4 1 time!

In case you don't know, I am running a script with everyone's outwar page on it. Every time this page refreshes, this thugbuilder randomly picks a page from the script. The more times you are entered into the script, the more often your page will be viewed. If your thinking, "Sweet! I wanna get entered into that script a billion million times!" then your out of luck. HOWEVER, I do provide these options:

Amount of times in script: Cost Per Month: Paypal is now ready!!!
10% (if there are 100 MEMBERS*, you'll be entered in 10 times. 56 MEMBERS* and you'll be entered in 5 times) $2
Outwar ID # (the # after page.php?x=)
15% (100 MEMBERS* = 15 times. 56 MEMBERS* = 8 times) $3
Outwar ID # (the # after page.php?x=)
20% (100 MEMBERS* = 20 times. MEMBERS people* = 11 times) $4
Outwar ID # (the # after page.php?x=)
25% (100 MEMBERS* = 25 times. 56 MEMBERS* = 14 times) $5
Outwar ID # (the # after page.php?x=)
INFINITE HITS!!!! Never have to leave the builder open EVER AGAIN!!!!! ONLY PAY ONCE!!!(**Note: this only works if there are more than 50 people signed up. You can still buy the above offers and they will still affect you!) $50
Outwar ID # (the # that comes after page.php?x=)

You buy these hits monthly. At the beginning of the month, send me your payments. As soon as I get the payments, I will add you to the script however many extra times. I will take all of the duplicate links out of the script at the end of the month unless I get a prepayment. IF YOU SEND ME MONEY TO PREPAY FOR THE NEXT MONTH BEFORE THE 15TH OF THE CURRENT MONTH, THE MONEY WILL BE SENT BACK TO YOU AND YOU WILL HAVE TO REPAY AFTER THE 15TH!!!!!!! To get your page entered extra into the script, you must pay me at the beginning of the month unless you have prepaid.

______------======******IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS CONCERNING THE PAYMENTS, EMAIL ME HERE******======------______


*These amounts of people are just an example. JUST AN EXAMPLE!!! Percent of members, not how many links are in the script.



Click here to ADD your
link to this ThugBuilder!
(Put "ThugBuilder" in the subject line)
Do you have no freaking clue what outwar is??? Click here to join!!!

:::::More ThugBuilder sites:::::

SPTN - excellent site

More will be added as I try them out and find the good ones....