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The Rose Garden

Many years ago, when Alyson was a small child, Fiona promised her that when she will reach the age of twenty two, she will take her to Westminstair, for the Rose Garden test.

Years was passing fast and Alyson from the girl became a young woman. Fiona was quiet a supprised how quickly her little daughter become an adult. Many times, she wanted to change the date of the test, give Alyson and herself, a few more years. Every time, when she thought she is ready to do it, at the end she always withdrawed. Fiona knew how important that day has to be for Alyson, and how big would be a girl's disappointment if she forbid her to pass it, in her twenty two birthday.

She prepared Alyson for the Rose Garden in the best way that she could. She told her everything that she know about the maze, about every smalest detail of it.

Finaly the day has come. They got up early. After the breakfast, Fiona teleported Alyson and herself to the Royal Gardens of Westminstair. The gardens, once beautiful were now dirty and neglected. There were no signs of the birds.

Seeing the astonishment on Alyson's face, Fiona says to her daughter with the sorrow in her voice.

"You see Alyson, without Flora, there is noone here to take care for the gardens."

Alyson looks on her mother.

"It had to be wonderful place, when you were young Mom"

Fiona replies with the nod "Indeed it was... Shame that you can't see it with your own eyes." After a while she adds "You see that bench? I used to play here with Deirdre and Flora, when we were kids... Funny, I have never thought, that I will miss them so much..."

Fiona in silence, guides her daughter throu the alleys of the gardens. After ten minutes of walk, they arrive, to the small wodden door, carved in to the small roses. There is no sign of any kind of handle on it.

"Here it is, Alyson. This is the entrance to the Rose Garden." says Fiona.

Alyson looks on the door."How I'm supposed to enter? There is no handle, nor the lock"

"This is the first try, my child. Only the Royal Blood can open this door. Show me your index finger, please"

Alyson executes her mother's request. Fiona takes a little pin from her coat, and pricks the finger of her daughter. Alyson involuntary blinks her eyes when the pin pierces her skin.

Fiona seeing the reaction of her daughter says with the warmly smile on her face "That's it. You see it didn't hurt much."

Soon the small spot of blood appears on Alyson's right index finger.

"Now, touch, with your finger, the middle rose on the door"

Alyson applys her right index finger to the middle rose. When her blood reaches the door she feels the strange tingle in her right hand. To her surprise, the door opens with the creak. The tingle passes to her right arm and then to the rest of her body. Alyson looks on her mother with intrusion on her face.

"You feel this weird tingle?"

Alyson nods.

"Alright Mom"

"Now go, Dear"

Alyson nods and enters to the Rose Garden.

The first thing that she notices after the door closes itself behind her, are roses. Thousends of them in all colors of the rainbow: from red to violet. It is the most beautiful place that Alyson has ever seen. The Garden is full of live. The birds sings, the sun lights the alleys, and from the distance she hears the hum of water.

So this is the Rose Garden... It was worth to wait for this day, all thoes years...

After a while when the fascination passes by...

First I have to find the Arch. What I know about the Arc? It is small dark green, marble arch, ringed with scarlet roses. It is situated in the north, and I have to pass under it, in order to find the Bridge.

Let see... There are three alleys leading to the north. Which one should I chose? They all look like quiet the same for me... However, Mom told me once, that in the Rose Garden the flowers are the keepers, and they have all the keys... Maybe the answer is in the roses?

Alyson examines the flowers.

The roses are almost in all colors of the rainbow... Almost becouse there are no yellow ones.

Instead of it in the left alley they are black roses, in the middle alley they are white roses, and in in the right alley they are grey roses.

The white color is a symbol of Albion. The black is the sign of the Courts of Chaos...

The grey has something from the black and something from the white...

What is between Albion and the Courts?

Shadows of course! That must be the answer. The Rose Garden gives the power of travel throu the shadows to the members of the Royal Family.

Alyson takes the right alley.

She passes a few alley junction, however Alyson manages to track the grey roses. After five minute of walk, when she takes the another turn, the Arch comes into her line of sight.

It looks exacly as Fiona described it. The green marble shines in sun in thoes places where the scarlet roses uncover it.

I just have to pass under it. It shouldn't be difficult.

Alyson walks to the Arch. In the moment when she passes under the Arch the terrible headache paralizes her. She falls on her knees. The pain is so strong that she loses consciousness...


Alyson stands on the hill over the chasm. Next to her stand four man, armed in muskets and swords. One of them, is much taller than the rest. He looks like a leader of this group. It looks like that they do not notice Alyson's presence. Opposite to the group stands a squadron of ten Red Coats. All the Red Coats are aiming their muskets into the Tall Man's chest. The Red Coat's officer has red hair and looks familiar.

He says spliting to the ground

"Well well, who we have here? Isn't that Prince Gerard of Albion, a rat that hides on the hills?"

The Tall Man replies "Let me guess... You are a son of that bastard Bleys, aren't you? Which one William or Malcolm?"

"My name is Prince Malcolm, general of the West Army of the Albion. I have a "proposition" for you. Surrender now and I will spare your men. Otherwise we shall shoot you and all of your men, like mad dogs."

"I see that, I don't have choise..." Gerard says to his men "Lads, put down the guns."

"Sir, we would rather die than surrender to thoes slaughters!"

"Collins, that is the order!" says Gerard.

Gerard and all of his men put down their weampons.

"Take them!" Malcolm shouts.


Alysons wokes up. She stands up on her feet.

I have to go on... I can't give up now... The Bridge has to be near. I hear well the hum of water... It goes from the west...

Alyson goes after the sound of the water. Soon she finds the Bridge. It is white, and it is rounded by the yellow roses.

Suddenly as she gets closer to the Bridge, the wind starts to blow. First it is only an inocent breeze. However with every Alyson's step its streanght grows. When she reaches the begining of the Bridge the wind changes into the hurricane. Alyson's hair and the dress are tousled by the wild element. Alyson stoops and goes forward against the wind.

Alyson be brave you are almost in the middle of the Bridge. It is not far...

Alyson hardly climbes to the Bridge.

Only three metres to go... Go on Alyson don't give up now... Two metres... One. I'm almost there. Half... One last step.

Ayris takes all her energy to force herslef to make one more step.

As soon as her feet touches the the middle of the Bridge, the wind stops to blow. She walks down from the Bridge to the other rim of the stream.

I need a brake, I'm so tired... Alyson sits on the grass. She breaths deeply. As she sits she notes a small shinig object which lies next to her on the grass.

What is it?

She takes the thing with her hand. In the closer examination, the thing happens to be a small silver mirror.

A mirror? Here?

She looks in the mirror. Unaweares, instead of seeing her mirror's reflection she sees Fiona and Bleys...

The Bleys wears the crown and sits on the throne. Fiona approuches him.

She speks slowly and calmly

"Dear Brother, you won. You beated the Rebels. You burned and killed everyone who had risen up against you. There will be lots of ballads about your today's triumph. Everyone knows that you are great warrior. Now, show that you are also a great king, who knows how to forgive! Show the mercy to Gerard, I beg you!"

Bleys rises up in anger, from the throne.

"Enought! How dare you, woman to speak with such tone to your king? Fall on your knees before your master!" Bleys shouts.

The fear comes to Fiona's face. She looks on Bleys with desbelif in her eyes.

"Bleys what happend to you? I don't recognise you..."


Bleys takes a swing and with one blow he sends Fiona to the ground.

Alyson crys from the terror "Mom!". The mirror falls from her hand and disappires.

Alyson bursts in tears... She is shaking...

"Mom... Mom, why did you chose to stay with that bastard when Oberon died..., why?" she sobs.

After some time, Alyson takes herself, back under the control. She wipes the tears, and stands up.

I have to get out of here... fast.

She takes the only possible alley, the Marble Corridor. In the other side of the corrirdor Alyson sees the door leading to the gardens. She starts to run in the direction of the door. Suddenly the black roses which rounds the corridor, starts to grow. As Alyson is runing forward the roses comes near her. She feels the pain when the rose's needles tear her dress and hurt her arms and legs. She reaches the door in the last minute. The door opens before her.

She falls to the ground, bleeding from lots of little wounds. Fiona runs to her daughter. She takes her in her arms. With one hand gesture she cures Alyson's wounds.

"Everything will be alright..." Fiona calms Alyson "It is over Dear, you passed the Rose Garden..."

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