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The Mermaid

Lady Ayris is a daughter of Moire, Llewella and Paulett - for a Lander it may sounds weird but yes all of them are her mothers. In Rebma, each child has a few mothers which raise him or her. In traditional Rebmai tongue such woman is called "Morath" which is translated as both friend and mother.

As for Ayris father - there is little to say about him. His identity and location remains unknown for the girl. However as The Mermaid is a half-breed (Ayris is bigger than other Rebmai girls and has a fuller figure) and all her mothers are Rebmai, her father has to be a Lander.

Ayris who finished nine years in a last year (which gives her about eighteen Lander's years - as Rebmai children mature twice as fast as the Landers kids) spent nearly all her live in the Underwater Kingdom. She was there, during the Eanraig's Rebbelion. Many Rebmai asks themselfs a question ~How did she manage to escape to the Shell and find Her Highness?~ No one is able to give a satisfactory answer... A few says that it was Ayris who warned the Queen about the forthcoming assasination and gave her the final evidence of Eanraig's treachery. Though, everyone is sure for the one thing - when the sounds of fight finally died away and all the Traitors were killed - The Mermaid returned with her mother, in the glory to Rebma.

Just recently, Ayris has left Rebma, pursuing her "Big Sis" Deirdre and for the first time in her live, she found herself in the Land of Landers.

Ayris has a few very close persons which are her family. Whenever the girl is in need, thoes people, always support her.