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The quest to gain karma can sometimes be tough, but you can read this for some help to make karma gaining easier.
If you go to message boards often, then Ryu is certain you have heard of something called 1337. What is it exactly? Ryu will best try to explain what it is here.
Where can you find Ryu? This is a list of GameFAQs boards that Ryu prefers to go to, where you will most likely find Ryu.
A list of some of Ryu's favorite games, and favorite games of all time, and some games that Ryu wishes to play, but can't.
The secret boards of GameFAQs revealed
        Ryu welcomes you at this time, to his redesigned webpage. Along with the new layout will come new features, such as the GameFAQs Trivia Game, which will test the knowledge of GameFAQs users, and they shall find out how much they really do know about the site, and its boards. When other new features are put into place, Ryu will let you know here.
         As well as working on his webpage, Ryu enjoys going to the
GameFAQs boards, communicating with other fellow users, and sharing opinions with them.
         Ryu hopes you enjoy what this page has to offer. Ryu will always work to give you more to enjoy about this page.
         Ryu encourages you to take a look at this page, and the contents contained within. And Ryu hopes you will enjoy your time here, despite the limited content this page provides at this current time. Please use the links to the left to navigate this site. Hover over any of the buttons to see a description of each section.
How much do you know about GameFAQs? Play this trivia to find out. Coming soon!!!
Ryu encourages you to leave a message here. Say hi, or even make site suggestions.
A list of some of Ryu's favorite websites
Last updated on 6/29/2003
Update History
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