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CT | StinkyJoe
CT | Sultan
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Today at 2:16 pm | Welcome! by StinkyJoe
This template was made by StinkyJoe @
To use this template for free you must keep a link back to and , and you must keep the author info on the footer.

To edit the header, just open up the file "blank_header.gif" in any image editing program, add your text and save it as "born2battle_04.gif" , and put it on the images page to replace the current header .

If you have any questions ask for help on the Help Booth.

Today at 1:51 pm | Notes by StinkyJoe
The news area is vertically stretchable, but the 2 content boxes above (navigation and new members / latest matches) are not expandable.

Note : The login area above does not work, and i personally dont know how to make it work, its there just as a placeholder if you wish to add a login system.