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June-Aug 2003 Feb-Mar 2003 Nov-Dec 2002

Congratulations to the LUCKY SCHMUCKS (captain Bud__y__zer, +Geoffrey_Lee, skeeves_revenge and Tempo_Name) for winning the 3rd 4 Horsemen Tournament.  Great tournament by the Schmucks.  Was fun to host.

 -- J

Tournament Format

  1. 4-people per team.  No floaters.  No seeds.  Team captain is the one who registers the team and is responsible for sending an e-mail at the beginning of each round to the other team with preferred times to play. The e-mail doesn't need to say more than "so-and-so can usually play between 9-11 pm EST".
  2. Each round will have 10 days to schedule and play.  If all matches are not completed within the allotted 10 days and e-mails are sent, forfeits will be enforced.
  3. All matches prior to the semifinals are to be 9 points, semifinals = 11 points, finals = 13 points.
  4. Prior to the finals, any member of any team can play any member of the opposing team in any order. When a player loses a match, they are eliminated for that round, and THAT ROUND ONLY.
  5. When a team advances to the next round, any players who lost in the previous round are re-instated.
  6. In the finals, each player will be randomly assigned a player on the other team. These matches will have to be played first. If one team hasn’t swept the other team, then the survivors can play each other in any order that they wish.
  7. Report all individual wins to the tournament e-mail at

Example Match:
Kong Team (AlphaKong, BetaKong, GammaKong and OmegaKong) vs. Team Cow(Moo_Cud, Moo_Utter, Moo_Bullsheet and Moo_Cow_Moo)

Verbal Description:
AlphaKong finds out about the bracket and quickly hops on-line, finds Moo_Utter, challenges her and wins. He then sees Moo_Bullsheet and beats him too. Team Kong takes a quick 4-to-2 person advantage.

Moo_Cud beats OmegaKong next, but falls to GammaKong, turning this into a 3-on-1 match. It is now Moo_Cow_Moo all by himself against 3 Kongs.

Moo_Cow_Moo makes a valiant effort beating first AlphaKong and then GammaKong before finally falling to BetaKong. Team Kong with 1 survivor advances to the next round, in which the other 3 kongs return.

Visual Description:
Match 1: AlphaKong beats Moo_Utter;   Kongs lead 4-3
Match 2: AlphaKong beats Moo_Bullsheet;    Kongs lead 4-2
Match 3: Moo_Cud beats OmegaKong;    Kongs lead 3-2
Match 4: GammaKong beats Moo_Cud;    Kongs lead 3-1
Match 5: Moo_Cow_Moo beats AlphaKong;    Kongs lead 2-1
Match 6: Moo_Cow_Moo beats GammaKong;    teams tied at 1-1
Match 7: BetaKong beats Moo_Cow_Moo;    Kong Team advances

Tournament Links

Feb-Mar 2003 results
Nov-Dec 2002 results

Any questions, feel free to ZM jerbear29
