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Zach's Page

note: most of the images on this page provide links to statistics. To view these simply click the image.

I chose dwarfs beacuse they were my favorite race in

Check out the comic archive that my friends and I are creating!

The dwarfs live on the east of Brettonia and near Athel Loren Forest in the world's edge mountains.

Here is a list of the Karak-2-Flat-2 army Karak 2-Flat-2 Projected Army ListExcel is needed for this link

look here soon for an army builder file with the same information with more detail.

here is my current record of wins and losses and a file of opponents and game summaries. go

My Favorite units are:

Ungrim Ironfist


Flame Cannon

and the miners

When you begin painting your dwarf Army you may be interested in the Citadel Colour paints to get. I would reccomend Firey Orange, The Starter Kit and some extra Goblin Green. You will also want some primer. You can get two kinds of Citadel primer. "Smelley" and "Spray." I would reccomend Spray (the extra four dollars is worth it) because of its ease of use. Black is preferable for the dwarf army. White is commonly used for the elves (BLEARGH!!!)

The dwarfs have a very strong infantry so field them as if they are vulnerable. This should decieve your enemy.

If you have fielded a dwarf army in the past you could do to know that some of the old units have been replaced and are only available from the Games Workshop online store site.

favorite color scheme is that of Karak Hirn because of the green and yellow.

to read more on the race of the slayers read the Gotrek and Felix novels by William King







if you need help setting up your dwarf army you can find some diagrams in the best (and most effective) setups in the back of The Dwarf Army Book.

to visit my favorite site click here warhammer home

these that follow are the names of those I have grudges against

Brett A. (fulfilled)

Marc G. (surrendered)

Nathan P.

Dave B. (fulfilled)

Wes P. (fulfilled)

Chris C. (fulfilled)

Kyle B. (fulfilled)

Adam L. (fulfilled)

Here are downloadable grudge forms

Adobe Acrobat Reader is needed for the above link

thanx for coming and please come again and never forget these three rules:

1. Never accept a gift from an Elf

2. Never trust gold that glistens in darkness

3. Never forget a grudge.

Grudge on


Zach would like to thank the following people

Mr W.


and last but not least: all the people at who have been so helpful in supplying us with minitures, books, images and so many other things that they don't even know about.

I have a friend who has a site for those of you who are like me and like StarCraft Games by Millions

a test page 3MB3|)

To see my StarCraft page click here

Check out the comic archive that my friends and I are creating!


What D&D allignment are you?

Website exclusive archivecurrently down sorry for the inconvienience

Click here to see a profile for Link of Legend of Zelda Fame

Coming Next month: Top 27 songs not to play while you run.

one of the songs on that list will be from my favorite band, Throwing Toasters. Click here to find out more about them, and even watch clips of concerts and download mp3's.

Click the troll to send me an e-mail

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