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Well of Souls Application-EverQuest

Once your application is received, it shall be reviewed by all the officers of the Well of Souls for Approval. This process usually takes about 2 (two) weeks for processing. You shall receive a formal approval or denial via e-mail.  Thank you.

Please make sure you have read the Codes of Conduct (click here)



Today's Date :

-- mm/dd/yy


Please identify and describe your character:

Character Name
Character Class
Character Race
Character Level



Do you role-play this character?



How long have you been playing EverQuest? (Your answer to this question will not hinder your chances at becoming a member.  We ask simply to be able to better accommodate you)



What time zone do you live in and what are your usual playtimes?



What is your age range?



Tell us a little about your character's personality and history:



What do you believe is your character's best abilities and why?



What do you believe are your character's weaknesses and why?



How many characters do you play on this server? What are their names, levels and classes? And which of them do you think you might like to have in the Well of Souls?



What definition do you feel best describes your preferred style of gaming in EQ? Select any of the following options that apply:

Power Leveling
Twinkie Farming



Why do you wish to join the Well of Souls?



Do you currently know any Well of Souls members? If so, please explain.



What is it that you look for in a guild?



Have you ever belonged to another guild?

Yes No



If yes, which one(s)?



What did you like about the other guild(s)?



What did you dislike about the other guild(s)?



Please explain the reason(s) for leaving the other guild(s)?



Have you ever been an officer in another guild?

Yes No



Do you ever plan to return to you past guild(s)?

Yes No



Have you recently applied for membership to any other guilds, and if so, what has been their response, if any?



Scenario: You are grouped with a warrior, enchanter, bard, druid, and a mage. The warrior has just pulled four (4) mobs instead of one. The druid has announced that she/he ias 30% mana. The mage is AFK (away from the keyboard) but the mage's pet is fighting with the warrior and bard. The enchanter now has 50% mana, and has mezzed all but the one mob the warrior and bard are fighting. You see a very nasty mob approaching, you think if might aggro on the enchanter, but are not sure yet. What do you do?



Scenario: You are in a Well of Souls group in a dungeon, and have been doing great together for the past two (2) hours. One member had to log off, leaving you with slightly less firepower. But you are still doing okay. Not long after, someone pulls a small train through your group when your casters are LOM (low on mana) and the Melee (tanks) are already engaged. Many people die as a result. There are no rezzers in the zone. How do you respond?



Scenario: You are currently grouped with some non-guild members, and getting decent experience. You see in guild chat that there is a Well of Soul group in the same zone you are in that is looking for one more, particularly of your character class and level. What do you do?



If accepted for membership to the Well of Souls, what do you feel you can contribute to the guild? (i.e. personality, skills, class, etc.)



Do you have a problem with visiting the Well of Souls website on a regular basis to keep up with news, information about raids, policies, events in general; sign up for participation in raids or help organize a guild event once in a while?

Yes No



If yes, please explain:



Have you read our Codes of Conduct?

Yes No



Please let us know what you liked/disliked about our Codes of Conduct and what would you like to see changed/added?



If there is anything further you wish to add, ask us about, or information we should know about other than above, please use the space below:



Please provide an e-mail that we can reach you at (e-mail must be valid for communication regarding your application.  If an incorrect e-mail is used, we may deny your application on this fact alone):


Please review your information to insure it's accuracy before clicking the submit button.  Thank you for your time and interest.

Hit Counter

Faelin Eastwind and the Well of Souls Team on the Tarew Marr server in EverQuest
Copyright © 2003 [Well of Souls]. All rights reserved.
Revised: January 29, 2005