Video Game Violence Causes Aggression


Video games have had some mild and severe effects on younger children. It is believed that video games do boost aggressive feelings in children. Many researchers, such as David Walsh, from the "national institute on media and the family." He had researched from 210 college students. It had come to his knowledge that these student had shown more aggressive behaviors. His study became of two groups of students required to play 1 of 2 games. One had been Wolfentstein 3D, this game had shown mass amounts of violence. Including Nazi's getting blown away using hand guns and shot guns from point blank range. And the nonviolent game was tetris. These students had reacted in the oddest ways. The kids playing the violent games were fighting and messing around... and the others were sitting and talking quietly. Yet many other scientists blieve this happens in different ways. Such as a study taken upon a 12 Year old child.A child psychiatist, DR. Casal, he believes that children are practicing aggression. Ever notice when a child really gets into a game then messes up... They react really violently by hitting, throwing things, and using bad language. Source: National Institute on Media and the Family Tips for Parents -Limit game playing time.(recommended: no more then 1 hour a day) -Play with your child to become more familiar with his/her games -Provide alternate ways for a child to spend their time -Require that homework and jobs to be done first ; Use video game playing as an reward -Do not put a video game console in a child's room where they can shut their doors and isolate themselves -Talk to your children about the content in the games -Ask your video game store to require parental approval before a violently rated video game can be rented by children.