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My Koi

Sorry for the poor quality pic's

Out of my original koi these are the ones I have left.

1, Moomin (Gim Rin Chagoi, Japanese) 2, Bonnie (??, Thailand) 3, Smokey (Asagi, Japanese)

4, (Sanke?, Japanese) 5, Bess (??, Thailand) 6, Spot (Metallic white deep orange heart shape spot on each side, Japanese)

I also have not on this picture a very nice Kohaku Cherry (I'll get a pic soon) imported from japan good bloodline(I'll find out)

Also a 12" Orange&Black with Gin Rin, I was told an Ogon? (Thailand) And a Gold Metallic (Thailand)

And Finally a Black Mirror Carp.


Food Time

In this pic you can just make out my chagoi (left) Sanke?? (middle) and Spot (right) all Japanese Koi.

All of my koi are now tame. I can hand feed them so my next pictures will be close ups ;-)