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Kenasa: Stand?

Tidus45 comforts Micaela.

Madiison readys his sword.

AdamZ: I think she is hiding shhhhh dont reveal her spot.

Nekrem Hugs Light

Madiison: Virulent.

Tidus45 trys to protect Micaela.

Zinon: Welcome Virulent.

AdamZ: Greetings Virulent.

TopGun4: Hail

Zinon bows deeply.

Shamiera: Hijinks

EARTHTitan: Do not kill her now with your Giant of a hug Nekrem

Light becomes afraid and hides.

Tidus45: Hello Virulent.

Truest: Hail Virulent

HyJinks: Shammy

Lachisus: Greetings Virulent

Nekrem: Greetings Virulent.

Mace: Hail Virulent

Micaela: Greetings Virulent

TopGun4 shudders

Darceia bows to her Dark Lord.

Bennybalboa: Hail M'lord

Cloudie: Hail Virulent

Madiison: Come out, Light

Tetra: Hail Virulent

Poledra: Hello Virulent

BlaqMagiq: hello Virulent

Virulent: I am here to show my support for this event as conducted by the Dark Sons and Daughters of Duach.

Bennybalboa bows to Virulent

Zinon nods and grins.

Zinon: We shall begin shortly.

Micaela curtsies to Virulent.

Madiison: Virulent, please bid upon me.

Morningdove: hello Virulent

HeartsDesire: greetings Virulent its a honor to have u here

Virulent: I have come to extend the Dark Blessing of my Master to these proceedings.

Madiison: I wish to know more on the way of The Dark Lord.

Lachisus curtsies to Virulent

LilBrownKitten: hello

Kenasa: May I ask Virulent to come to the clear space please. So I can see who you are?

Harla thinks it is good that the Dark Voice should acknowledge the efforts of Duach's followers

Virulent: May Darkness cover all here in the name of the Dark One, Duach.

Qbp3 mumbles 'Halome sadar!' under his breath.

A teleportation aura envelops Qbp3.

Madiison: Light, come down and fly by me

HeartsDesire bows her head in prayer to Duach to give her strength.

TopGun4: ???

Virulent: By his bidding I will not be partaking in the event even though I had my eye on several morsels.

Light shakes her head no!

Madiison: I wish to see your face

Shamiera: lol

BlaqMagiq: cant we all just get along?

Madiison: Bid on me, Dark Prophet.

Zinon: M'Lord Virulent, in your attendance, we of the Dark Following would like to present you with one free Slave *points to Darceia*

Truest sits under Light with her sword to make Light feel more comfortable.

Virulent: Perhaps next year at this time I will bid on a dozen or so.

Darceia kneels to her Lord.

Harla looks to Light and says please so not worry Lady

Tidus45 sighs with relief.

Virulent: Darceia is always welcome at my side

Darceia: They give me as a present for you, for free, to do your bidding.

Madiison: Light, Please. I truly wish to see your pure face

Darceia purrs at Virulent.

Madiison: I shall comfort you

Virulent: For now I will content myself to observe and let these capable Dark Children conduct this event.

Micaela smiles happily.

Zinon nods.

YiraDR nods to Virulent out of respect

Zinon grins at Mica.

Tetra nods

Cloudie nods

TopGun4 bows deeply.

Bennybalboa nods

Darceia keeps her kneel next to Virulent.

HeartsDesire thanks Virulent

LilBrownKitten crosses her arms and hisses.

Tidus45 readys his camera.

Tidus45: everyone smile

Capsize: *smiles*

Nekrem smiles

Poised: *grins*

Madiison: If Light is afriad to come out when you're here Virulent, then I dispise you truly.

AdamZ: Cheese

EARTHTitan is still in an awe at the power of Virulent, yet still nods to his Lord in respect.

Bennybalboa grins evily

Printscrn smiles.

HeartsDesire: :: Attention all the Duach dark auction shall begin:: please in this time keep quiet and have respect for others in the room.

Madiison nods.

Harla: Madiison ,,,,, this a Festival of all Faiths ,.. the Dark is undertaking this part of it ....... so be still?

Zinon signals for quiet please.

HeartsDesire: Greetings and salutations great People of realm..... Today we bring you the Grand Duach Slave Auction run by the handsome and clever Zinon and the witty and some what pretty Heartsdesire....

Light giggles.

Kenasa: Some what?

Kenasa: I don't think so.

Kenasa: Oops.

Kenasa quiets.

HeartsDesire: I would like to take a moment to dedicate this auction to a very loyal and wonderful person of Duach who has now passed RubberDuckie.... if we could all have a moments silence in her honor.

Light bows deeply.

TopGun4 bows his head in respect.

Lachisus bows head

Madiison bows deeply.

Zinon bows his head.

HyJinks bows his head

Nekrem bows deeply

Micaela bows her head.

Bennybalboa bows his head

Virulent bows in honor of the fallen Dark Daughter

Keet bows her head respectfully

Shamiera bows her head

Tetra bows his head

Cloudie bows her head

Mace bows his head

Tidus45 bows his head in respect.

EARTHTitan bows head in rememberence of RubberDuckie.

Role bows his head in respect.

Printscrn bows his head.

YiraDR lowers her head

Darceia kneels for her Dark sister.

Poledra bows her head

Morningdove bows head

Capsize bows deeply.

Jadeth doesn't understand, but bows in respect anyway

Poised bows head.

LilBrownKitten bows her head in respect

AdamZ lowers his head and says a prayer.

Madiison prays to Enid for the Soul of RubberDuckie.

Jher prays in silence.

LilBrownKitten sheds a tear.

HeartsDesire: I would like to thank you all for coming today and i would like to say a big thank you to those that have givin up there time to be slaves for this auction.

EARTHTitan golf claps.

Tidus45 grins.

Shamiera smiles

Madiison: Light

Kenasa laughs, and claps

Madiison is comforted by Light's pure smile.

HeartsDesire: I would like to Thank Tetra for offering to be guard of this auction. I would also like to remind those that there may be special guests coming so please treat them all with respect.

Kenasa: Hello again, Light.

TopGun4 nods.

TopGun4 smiles at Light.

Kenasa: Desire, I also volunteered to guard.

EARTHTitan grins, and is hungry.

HeartsDesire: Now before we begin i will write out the rules of this auction and then it can all start.

Kenasa: Viola

Angel2: hi light
HeartsDesire: Money is non-refundable! All proceeds are split between Dark, Light and Balance in use of purchasing baldrics for each faith and/or purchasing of prizes to give away through-out the Festival.

Light smiles.

Kenasa: Nice to see you again

HeartsDesire: Slave goes to highest bidder at the discretion of the Auctioneer. Rules given by Auctioneer prior to auction must be followed, no exceptions!

Nekrem tickles Light

Madiison worships The Realm gods.

HeartsDesire: Slaves can not be asked to do anything deemed as harassing, sexual or inappropriate as stated in the policies of The Realm Online or by CodeMasters. If this should occur, the Auctioneer may forfeit ownership of said slave and money is non-refundable.

HeartsDesire: Also slaves may bid on other slaves if they wish.

HeartsDesire: Ok i think we are ready to start.

Zinon grabs his gavel.

HeartsDesire: First we have a special auction" this person is not a slave "

Kenasa: - if you are ready.

EARTHTitan wonders who it is

Angel2: bye see tommorow

Madiison looks confused.

Light looks around in excitement!

TopGun4 smiles.

Jinkii2 thinks if its Ska you can keep him

Nellytime: *smiles*

Nekrem grins at Light's Excitment

EARTHTitan still is wondering who it is.

TopGun4 checks his purse, and realises how poor he is lol

Madiison: Ah, the Pure smile of Light

Nekrem: lol

Micaela whispers patience is a virtue

Kenasa: It's me,Just kiddin'.

Tidus45 shushs up.

Nellytime whispers patience is a vulture

Nekrem waits

PalinMajere: Poledra

Nellytime: 1 gold

EARTHTitan whispers to Micaela that Patience is Definetely NOT on of his virtues

Ukarres waits patiently

Zinon: Quiet Please.

TopGun4: hush

Kenasa coughs blatently

Zinon nods to HD.

Tetra shows his whip and says "Quiet"

AdamZ: Please take the chatter to channel Be respectful of Zinon and HD.

HeartsDesire: It is a great honor to have Hyjinks offer to do "Hunt with Hyjinks " He is not a slave remember this.... The buyer gets 1 hour of hunting and may have others join also if the buyer wish's this. A time will be worked out between Hyjinks and the buyer.

Harla: wow!

EARTHTitan: *smiles*

Nekrem: *grins*

HeartsDesire: Auction him off zinon.....

Kenasa: *smirks*

Madiison: I bid all I have, 17000 gold coins.

EARTHTitan: what an honor t-hoom ever gets him

Kenasa: Nice one, HyJinks

TopGun4: im out

Nekrem: 20k

TopGun4: can i come

TopGun4: 50k

Madiison: If I do not win, I would still like to forfeit this gold.

Darceia watches in Dark silence.

Nekrem: 60k

Calmiche: 60K.

Harla: I bid 3 clean EA's 1 more can I not do

Keet: aww, I only have 16,904 coins

TopGun4: 70k

Bennybalboa: 100K

Madiison: 61k

Tidus45: 150k

BillGates: 2 mil

Madiison: 151k

TopGun4: im out

Madiison: ouch

Calmiche: gack.. I'm out..


Nellytime: 3m

TopGun4: lol

Tidus45: ah

Madiison: lol

Nekrem: lol

Tidus45: lol

Bennybalboa: oops

Nellytime: lol

TopGun4: HUSH

Nekrem: oops

EARTHTitan is getting hungrier!

Harla: 3 clean EA's and a clean wrath?

Keet: aww, I only have 16,904 coins

Nekrem: shush!

Zinon: ANYWAYS...I will START THE BIDDING at 50k.

TopGun4 is hungry

Nekrem: 60k!

Tidus45: 100k

TopGun4: 50k!

Jinkii2 thinks BillGates should apologise for WindowsME

Madiison: 150k

BillGates: 2 mil

EARTHTitan doesn't even have that much money

TopGun4: doh!

Nellytime: 5m

Kenasa: I'm out

TopGun4: I have 150k in world

Nekrem: ...

BillGates: 6 mil

Nekrem: im out

Zinon: I hear 6 mil

Tidus45: im out..

Harla: since I cannot bid items ,,,,, I am out

Kenasa: WOW

Zinon: (if he really has it)

BillGates: Does

Nellytime: thats what I was thinking

Nellytime: 8m

TopGun4: woah

Harla: 2 would have been nice tho

Zinon: I hear 8 mil

Nellytime: *smiles*

Crisy: billgates is probably just a little fun toon not his main

BillGates: 8.21

Madiison: I would rather have a time of just speaking to HyJinks. He was kind to me as a player in 2x, and I believe he still is.

Bennybalboa looks at HyJinks

Nellytime: its for a good cause come on guys

Zinon: 8.2 mil

GIANTxl: wuts going on in here?

Virulent eyes HyJinks

AdamZ: I would if I had 8mill.

Bennybalboa: I would but I need the money first

Zinon: Do i hear 8.3 mil?

Nellytime: 8.7m

GIANTxl: wuts going on here?

Darceia shakes her head at Hyjinks.

Zinon: 8.7 mil!

Harla: if I had it I would pay lots more than that .. but I only have goods not gold

Madiison: HeartsDesire: It is a great honor to have Hyjinks offer to do "Hunt with Hyjinks " He is not a slave remember this.... The buyer gets 1 hour of hunting and may have others join also if the buyer wish's this. A time will be worked out between Hyjinks and the buyer.

Truest: If you wanna talk I suggest to do it on channel 171

BillGates: Hmm... I'm out

Zinon: 8.7 mil going once!

Nellytime: 9m

Nellytime: 7

Zinon: ok, 9mil

Harla: wtg Bill ..... you got a bargain there

TopGun4: u cant outbid ur self lol

Crisy: a toon named eye bids 10 mill

Crisy: he's unable to get into room

Harla: or Nelly maybe

Kenasa: Light.

Crisy: might wanna /t him

Kenasa: You would be fun to hunt with

Nellytime: Crisy... This room can fit max people on realm

Crisy: ah ok i'll hold i'll let him know

Zinon: I hear 9 mil going once

Nellytime: is that my bid

Nellytime: 9.1m

Tetra: yes

Nellytime: ok nevermind

Tidus45: Eye bid 10mil

Phunam: ty

Nellytime: 11m

HeartsDesire: eye bid 10 mil zinon.
Nellytime: *smiles*

Tidus45: I guess he is busy or something

Zinon guesses that people do not have to be here

TopGun4: Hyjinks bro ur popular

Zinon: 11 mil from nelly going once

Eye: 12M

Zinon: 12 mil!

Crisy: ah eye is here

Nellytime: ow my makeing new toons is weird you dont even know your own name

Nekrem: lol

TopGun4: lol

Nellytime: 14m

TopGun4: !

Nellytime: should be fun

Zinon: going twice!

Eye: Ok 15M

Nekrem: Zinon=HyJinks

Kenasa: Nelly.

Nellytime: lol eye

Bennybalboa: lol

Zinon: 15 mil!

Harla: 15m!

Nekrem: gawd

Nellytime: 16m

Nekrem: gawd5!

Kenasa: Take me with ya, Nelly!!

Eye: Ok I am really out now.

Zinon: ok, 16 mil!

AdamZ dreams of all the SL baldys we can buy with that much.

Kenasa: Please!

Nellytime: hehe

TopGun4: LOL adam

Zinon: 16 mil going once!

Nekrem: lol

Harla: now you know which toon to marry for money?

Eye: I love you HyJinks but you are going to break my bank.

EARTHTitan: Hey now 1/3 goes to each temple

Nekrem: lol

Zinon: Going twice!

Bennybalboa: lol

HyJinks: lol

YiraDR: LOL Eye

Micaela giggles.

Madiison: My ISP died

EARTHTitan: Sell you HoD quick

Zinon: SOLD!!! *bangs gavel* to Nelly for 16 mil!

TopGun4: WEWT!

Nellytime: *smiles*

Crisy: hyjinks could just put his imp crown up as a bid and nobody could top it 4

Nellytime: brb

Omen: whats going on?

AdamZ: w00t!

Micaela: woot Nelly

Harla: wow and congrats Nelly

Nellytime: who do I give money too

SpankyBob: holy cow its so thick in here you cant even swing a cat

Nellytime: thx

Nekrem: wtg Nelly

HyJinks: Congrats Nelly

TopGun4: -----------

Omen: whats going on?

AdamZ: Now we know where all the Realm gold is!

Kenasa: Nelly, take me with you!

Zinon: Give it to HD please

HeartsDesire: Nellytime if you could pass the money to Zinon or my self

AdamZ: heh heh

TopGun4: lol

Nellytime: ok let me go get it

BlaqMagiq: this is getting off to a VERY good start

Zinon drools

Omen: whats going on?

AdamZ: Join me?

EARTHTitan: Congrats

Shamiera: a ppl Aution

Bennybalboa: this is when they don't come back

AdamZ: She will come back.

Omen: rofl a ppl ouction

Omen: what?

Omen: rofl

Kenasa: HyJinks.

TopGun4: i wonder how much gold ther is on the whole Realm

Nekrem: Slave Auction

HeartsDesire: ok now to start the slave auction. HeartsDesire: :Please stop talking:

Kenasa: Can I join you some other time when you are not busy, HyJinks?

TopGun4 pats Hyjinks on the back "nice 1 mate"

Kenasa: :quiets

Zinon: Quiet Please!


HyJinks: Thank you TG

TopGun4: *smiles*

Micaela: Attention please, give HeartsDesire the floor

HyJinks: Sure Kensa

Kenasa: Q U I E T E V E R Y O N E !

Madiison is comforted now that Light is near.

HeartsDesire: Ok first up we have the lovely Micaela she is a loyal follower of Despothes please if you will Guard bring her out.

Nekrem: yay

Nekrem: Mica

Tetra bring Micaela to the center

EARTHTitan w00ts for Micaela

Micaela curtsies to all present and smiles.

Harla says 'Estructos odomniu maxun!', pointing at Micaela.

A invulnerability aura surrounds Micaela!

Lachisus wishes Mica good luck

Zinon grins at Mica.

Micaela: ty sister Lach

Nellytime: when did they start letting new toons move to different towns because I live in usk ir

EARTHTitan says 'Flamin tul ershealkn!', pointing at Micaela.

Micaela glows red hot!

Nellytime: best town on realm besides murais

Nellytime: ok Zinon ready?

Zinon: Aye

EARTHTitan: Micaela glows red and HOT

Harla says 'Ylis numahtra!', pointing at Micaela.

Micaela has been blessed with strength!

Micaela blushes a lovely shade of magenta.

HeartsDesire: i need it nelly not zinon

SpankyBob flexes

Harla says 'Ylis uhalmi!', pointing at Micaela.

Micaela has been blessed with dexterity!

Nellytime: oops

Nekrem says 'Mehwiis refectus!', pointing at Micaela.

A glowing aura surrounds Micaela!

Nellytime: I wasnt watching chat

Harla hopes a nice person buys Micaela

HeartsDesire: thanks

Zinon: Thank ye Nelly

Micaela: Hopes so too

Zinon: and enjoy

Nellytime: no prob

Nellytime: I will good way to get my new caracter lvled up a bit

TopGun4: wewt

Nellytime: while havin fun

Crisy: hehe nelly you could easily sell spots to hunt with you and hyjinks to make some of that gold back

Virulent licks his chops

Nellytime: yea I was thinking about that


Kamikaze: Tasty morsel time :)

Bennybalboa: GO M'Lord

Nellytime: I got like 10 /ts atleast

Tidus45 grins.

Zinon signals for quiet Please

Kenasa: Nelly

Nellytime: so I went busy

Kenasa: Take me!

Kenasa: ROFL

SpankyBob burps

Virulent: I leave you all now. I am too long away from the Temple. May Darkness fall on each of you.

Micaela: Congrats SirBeast

TopGun4 remembers when he wa younger he saw an auction and thought people were guess how much the paintings were LOL

SirBeast: ty

Truest: Bye Virulent

Zinon: Farewell Virulent, thank you for coming

Micaela: Farewell to you Virulent

AdamZ: Farewell Virulent.

YiraDR: Take care Virulent

TopGun4: Farewell!

Tidus45: Farewell Virulent.

Darceia bows to her Lord.

Micaela curtises gracefully to the dark voice.

Ukarres bows to Virulent

Jinkii2: and may the bookshelf fall on thou

Tetra: farewell

Harla: Virulent ..... it is good that you attended the event of your followers