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Strong Pets Guild

The Strong Pets Guild

Strong Pets Guild
Guild Council
I. aria
II. dream_quest
III. orionsugarbear
IV. williamlai
V. alastria
Guild Stats
Members: 288
Founded: 11/07/2000
  • The Guild
  • Forum
  • Photos
  • Adoption House
  • Chat
  • Instant Messenger
  • Members
  • Making Neopoints
  • FAQ

  • Invite
  • Links
  • View Guestbook

  • Sign Guestbook

  • SnowsMoon
    (Our Mascot)

    (Our Lab Pet)

    Created by Alastria
    Started: 7/16/2002

    Welcome to the Strong Pets Guild Webpage!


    Finally got the Adoption House working, put up a Chat page for those that wish to chat. I'm looking for other things online for use to use at the moment.

    Currently implementing the Javascript to exchange the Motto's/Poem's sent in by everyone. Be sure to neomail me or e-mail more that you wish added to the website!

    If anyone has a webpage they wish added to the links page, please let me know and I'll add it! Along with more ideas for the webpage. It'd be greatly appreciated.

    We now have a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page. If you have a question that needs to be answered, please don't be afraid to click on the link and click on the "Ask a Question" link to ask me a question. I'll get back to you ASAP! :)

    Also a page for "Best Ways to Make Neopoints" has been added over at the side. Hope it helps some of you out! :)

    BRAND NEW!Now we have our OWN Instant Messenger!! For those that don't have Yahoo or MSN or any of that. You can click and download it over at the side to your computer. Add Alastria to your list if you wish. :)

    Check the archive for past news

    Member(s) of the Week:
    This week, we have a 3 way tie. The members in the running for the guild council have totally impressed me. I can't put into words how good it makes my heart feel to see what great guild members we have. Each one of them would have been a great addition to the council, and I am proud to know each one of them.