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This is the home!

Howdy Random Wandering People!!

Site Is Sort Of Closed Due To Americana

Updated once in a while by Kuberr aka Kuberr Rebeck

Updated April 22, 2007 - KR - WTF is going on peoples? Seriously though, if you still come here, you may have problems. Check out my current page at Kuberr's DA Page

updated October 18, 2005 - Kuberr - Hey people, sarting today we are on the Wikipedia under Meta Knight! Now unsuspecting fan boys will be sent to the site, yeah!!! Also, more comics and some other stuff is coming up soon!

Updated Sptember 27 - Yeah! Thanks for doing all of that hard work! I'll keep up the work on this site and keep posting new comics but you don't really care, do you? Well then I may just move the site and then you will be sorry. Awww jezze, i'm a sad man.

Updated Last July 7 - Boy would Kuberr like an email. I feel so lonely. So very lonely. If I got an email I would put on new Meta Knight comics and old ones in better format so please or I will drop the website. This is my final plea. Unless of course I got on G4 somehow. Ummm, yeah if that does happen still email me. Or if you call in on the show and are on live t.v. advertise the site, for the love of Kuberr!!!!!

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