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Yumi Kinfall

The Feralites are another variation on the human race - they have cat-like ears and tails. Some Feralites can utilize a process called subdivision, in which one can decrease one's body size in order to incrase one's magic power to very high levels. Yumi is one of those who can subdivide. In her child-size body, she uses incredible summon spells, and because of this, she garrered a job as a field scout for the chairman of the Mage Art League. Most people aren't aware that some Feralites can subdivide, so the site of a small child summoning huge creatures has a tendency to bewilder those who see it. In her full-grown form, Yumi is a very sexual person, but it's not entirely her fault; Feralites have the animal instinct for reproduction. She's sly, even devious, and more than a bit unscrupulous; bit she has the capacity for good. She just need a push in the right direction.

Yumi uses summons, or Callings, in battle to wreak havoc on her foes or assist her allies.