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The Sonic Fan Club -> Sonic Fan Games Club

The Sonic Fan Game Club is the best place to send your Fan Games, Demos, and release info on upcoming Fan adventures! All demos, full games and reviews of the fan games will appear here, whereas release info will be put in SFCNews. Be sure to send any info relating to new games to the Sonic Fan Club News section. You can download and see information and a review of everyone's fan games in here. These people are very talented indeed, and if you want to join them, then send info, a game or demo and Dreadknux will be sure to let the world know. If the developers of these Fan Games decide to release the cheats available for their games, they can direct them to Dreadknux, and he will place them on the relevant Fan Game Info page.

Want to submit Info or Media about your Fan Game?
Wanna send us a Preview/Review copy of your Fan Game?


  SFGC Sections!

SFGC Previews Zone!
New incomplete games playtested here!
Plus free demos to play for yourself!

SFGC Reviews Zone!
Completed games reviewed and scored!
Plus free downloads of finished games!

SFGC Media Zone!
Anything sent to us will be archived here!
Promotion movies, demos, games, anything!


23/06/02: SAGE 2002 Preview Extravaganza!
Most of [couldn't get all of them] the SAGE 2002 games are playtested for your enjoyment! A bit late, we know, but who else gives you THIS much SAGE coverage, late or not? Exactly. ^_^ SSNG didn't have time to cover all the games, so expect more SAGE preview game pages popping up every now and then throughout the forthcoming weeks...
23/06/02: Yay! New look SFGC!
Of all the new looks we've been through, now that the Sonic Fan Club is part of SSNG, this new look'll stay, and what a new look, eh? Expect plenty more Fan Games in the future here too!
5/03/02: Sonic Neo - Chaos Island Movie
New Exclusive Movie hit SFGC a while back - click it to watch it!
15/02/01: SAGE 2001 - February 2001
A complete SSNG Special on the goings on down on in SAGE.

'SSNG' © Dread & Andrew. 'Dreadknux' and 'The Sonic Stadium' © Svend VJ. 'Sonic News' is © Andrew P. Content © SVJ/AP. Sonic the Hedgehog © Sega.