Welcome to the Seiftis Forever Official Webpage!

This a companion website to Alonia Everclear's Seiftis Forever message board. If you love to read or write Final Fantasy fanfiction and you want to get to know any of the wonderful authors behind some of your favorite stories on Fanfiction.net why don't you join us? The conversation is fun and the people are friendly.

This is a page for lovers of stories specifically centered around the the romantic pairing of Quistis Trepe and Seifer Almasy. But of course we won't discriminate against you if you prefer other pairings, so come join the fun! Everyone is welcome here! Yes, even you Squinoa lovers may join! (Some of us actually like that pairing.)

This site features tidbits from the board, the creative genius of some of the members, and fanfiction writing advice. Come in and take a look!

Pat the moomba to enter:

Recommended Links:

The Seiftis Forever Message Board

The above collage was created by Trinity Helix.