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Scipio and Others Realism Epic

Scipio and Others Realism Epic: Version 0.95b

Scipio Map Modification Edition IV

Based from Marla's Map v1.05

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-Dark Sheer









Resource Icons:


Resource Specific Small Wonders Idea:


Civ Specific Starts:

Utility program - Gramphos

Implementation - KittenofChaos

Beta Testers:

-Richard Shults

-Bryan Shults


-Ancient Age-The same attribtues that defined the Ancient Era remain. I felt that keeping them on a low attack and defense number ratio was best to retain a balanced modification. However I have made some adjustments to try and ensure a more realistic battle experience. Basically horse units no longer have a reduced attack, they have instead the same attack as the swordsman. They cost more but also move faster. I have also introduced Region Specific Units. These are a unit or units that consist in a certien area because of their historical presence, a counter unit is also given to other nations in other regions for balance and each unit represents the type of combat these regions prefered.

-Middle Age-The main modification that has occured in the Middle Age is to provide a stronger capability for middle age units over past units without completly compromising Ancient age units to combat Middle Age units with some effectiveness. The earlier units of the Middle Age are simply bumped up in numbers slightly. However, once gunpowder is aquired a major leap (much like in real history) occurs in military combat. Gunpowder units represent a major step foward in military arms and therefor have a more drastic increase in their unit values. The Ironclad represents the same leap in naval technology as gunpowder did for land units, and so likewise has a significant leap foward

-Industrial Age-The Industrial Age continues the precedent set by the Middle age to allow Industrial units to be able to combat Middle Age units with a higher rate of success, without completly compromising Middle Age units military effectiveness. The Marine and Paratrooper no longer are Industrial Units (they are now Modern) and are replaced by Assault Infantry which are capable of amphibious assaults. The new major leap in technology during the Industrial age is the Tank, providing the most sweeping increase in military attack ability then any other unit. However this units defense is compromised to be highly suseptable to counter attacks. The most significant change occuring in the Industrial Era is the entire overhaul of the Naval combat system. In the Industrial Age the Battleship still remains the greatest naval warship (not the case in the Modern era), however its attack no longer towers over the competition. Every naval units attributes have been re worked to fit their actual roles in Naval warfare. The Battleship constitutes the greatest form of bombardment in the world (much as it does in real life), but lacks the defense it needs to protect itself. The Destroyer is a sub hunter much as they are in real life.

-Modern Age-The Modern Age is the greatest change in how warfare will be decided. The Modern Era follows the same creed as the last two, to ensure their combat effectiveness is increased while ensuring past units will remain useful. The Infantry units in the modern era have been beefed up to represent a real fighting force that is capable and reliable in combat situations. Some new infantry unit have been added to ensure a more realistic picture of military capabailities are represented in game. Rocket Artillery has been added as a ground transport for missile technology, and more missiles/rockets have been added to expand and represent how large a picture missile's play in todays military. The Radar Artillery has been replaced by Self Propelled Artillery. Naval Combat superiority has switched from the Battleship to AEGIS Cruiser in this mod for the modern era, much like it has in real life. Battleships cost so much because they really do in real life. Guided Missile Destroyers are your Cruise Missile/Tactical Nuke surface ship transport and Nuclear Ballistic Subs are your under water missile transports. The Modern Era has been changed to represent real life military capability of nations while building around the simplified unit values of Civilization III. Air units have been changed, specifically in the area of bombers, to provide more diversity in production and what one wants in an aircraft.


There are a few important things that must be remembered when playing or installing Scipio and Others Realism Epic.

-This modification is planned so that one can install it without comprimising the ability to play the normal Civilization3 game. This has been achieved and should now work properly while allowing you to play your normal games.

-Some units are still usings animations of existing units because of the lack of the proper animations. Some may not be like this when the full version is released, however some may have to endure this as animation creation is a time consuming effort. Don't get the wrong idea, anything posted on this page is in this mod and working. However, there are many elements still waiting to be implemented.

-For information as to why the new units have the attributes that they do, you'll have to visit the forums. I have yet to actually implement the Civilopedia entries for units yet, but they will be out with the next BETA version. Modifications made to existing units have not had their civilopedia changed and most likely won't. So justification for their changes will ahve to be built on faith or cordial discussion at the forums at

-All of the New improvements/wonders will not have icons in the city building screen or in its inventory of improvements. They will have icons for the full version, implementation of these icons are slated for 0.98 release.

-Covert units have the submarine ability, as well as Can see submarine ability. This will give land those land units (Blackops, Special Forces, Land Mine, and Assassin) the ability to remin unseen by opposing civilizations unless they have one of those units in the area. Basically invisable land units for your covert operations.

-Units that have multiple classification abilities (example - Its a land unit, but has air capabilities) won't be able to use the ability they are not classified as through hotkeys. However if you click the icon in game, it will do the required skill.


The Guided Missile Destroyer is a sea unit but has the capability to intercept aircraft. It cannot activate Air Superiority (required to intercept air units) with the hotkey. You must click the icon on the bottom section of the screen when the unit is highlighted.

New Units

-Assassin- *New Animation* -by MazterJo

-BlackOps- *New Animation* - by MazterJo

-Special Forces- *New Animation* -by Mork

-Modern Battleship- *Old Animation*

-Nuclear Ballistic Sub- *Old Animation*

-Nuclear Attack Sub- *Old Animation*

-Guided Missile Destroyer- *New Animation* -by Dark Sheer

-Tactical Ground Rocket- *New Animation* -by Dark Sheer

-StS Missile- *New Animation* -by Dark Sheer

-Supersonic Bomber- *New Animation* -by PlasticBag

-Air Defense System- *New Animation -by Pesoloco

-Land Mine- *New Animation* -by Pesoloco

-Rocket Artillery- *Old Animation*

-Super Carrier- *Old Animation*

-Heavy Bomber- *Old Animation*

-AWACS- *Part Old, Part New Aniamtion*

-APC- *Old Animation*

-Assault Infantry- *New Animation* -by zyxwyuv

-Shock Infantry- *Same Animation as Assault* -by zyxwyuv

-Attack Helicopter- *New Animation* -by Papajohns and BoneDoc

-Crossbowman- *New Animation* -by Dark Sheer

-Armored Swordsman- *Old Animation*

-Air Transport- *New Animation* -by BlueO

-Horse Archer- *New Animation* -by Kryten

-Dreadnought- *New Animation* -by TVA22

Unit Changes

Note: Unit attributes have been changed in whole from the middle age and up. The Ancient age has had some modifications but the base numerical attributes remain the same for the majority of units. This is so that units in newer age's are more effective agains't past units, those specifically much older (i.e. tank vs. spearman) but those in the immediate past will remain battle effective agins't the newer units, just with a lower rate of success.

Note II: The Resource requirments for some units have been changed. Modern Naval units now all require iron (Which is required for steel) since almost almost all modern naval ships are comprised mostly of a highly durable steel. More modern ground units that are mechanized also require iron, since it is a very important part of their main structure. I think this will help balance strategic resources more on the Earth map as the far east has less of these resources available to them while the West has less rubber available to them which I hope will encourage more trade of these resources.

New Improvements/Wonders

-Center of Commerce- *Third Palace Small Wonder*

-Appeals Courthouse- *Democracy Specific Improvement*

-National Press- *Communism Specific Improvement*

-Vinyard- *Resource Specific Small Wonder*

-Clothier- *Resource Specific Small Wonder*

-Great Stable- *Resource Specific Small Wonder*

-Textiles Factory- *Small Wonder that acts like a Luxury Resource* [Manufactured Good]

-Oil Refinery- *Resource Specific Small Wonder*

-Electronic Component Industry- *Small Wonder that acts like a Luxury Resource* [Manufactured Good]

-Radiology Center- *Resource Specific Small Wonder*

-Temple of Artemis- *New Wonder* (One of the seven wonders of the world)

-Zues's Statue- *New Wonder* (One of the seven wonders of the world)

-Golden Gate Bridge- *New Wonder*

-Taj Mahal- *New Wonder*

-Angkor Wat- *New Wonder*

-Three Gorges Dam- *New Wonder*

-GPS Satellite System- *New Wonder*

-Great Landmark- *New Small Wonder*

-Commercial Satellite System- *New Small Wonder*

-GPS Center- *New Improvement*

Improvement Changes

-Barracks now provide a plus 10 bonus to your city defense rating.

-The Palace now produces veteran units.

-The Cathedral now reduces corruption.

-Airport now increases airpower by 2.

-The Police Station now reduces corruption.

-The Great Wall now increases city defense ratings by 5 and bombard defense by 5.

New Government

Socialism - Socialism represents a new Modern Government that provides a middle ground between Communism and Democracy. It provides a lowered rate of corruption then Communism but a higher one then Democracy, it also sports a lower war weariness then Democracy but a higher one then Communism. It is to provide more political diversity in the modern era while providing a worth while government for all parties.

Changes to Miscellaneous

Cities minimum size has been changed to 7

Metro minimum size has been changed to 14

Barbarian Difficulty-

Chieften - 400% military increase when facing barbarians

Warlord - 200% military increase when facing barbarians

Regent - 75% military increase when facing barbarians

Monarch - 25% military increase when facing barbarians

Emperor - 0% military increase when facing barbarians

Diety - 0% military increase when facing barbarians

Spy costs have been modified slightly.

Good Luck and Good Civ'ing