----------------------------------------- Unit Changes and Additions ----------------------------------------- All changes have been made for three main reasons. One was to widen the effectiveness of new units against units two ages old. So if its the industrial era, units from the ancient era will be factored out of combat completly because of their ineffectiveness. Two was to stress combined arms tactics by attempting to make each unit type equally effective and devestating. I felt this a very strong part of realistic combat. Which leads me to three, which is to attempt to make The Realism Epic as realistic as it could be, under the restraints of stone age to computer age gameplay. NOTE: All unit attributes are listed, even ones that remain the same. ----------------------------------- ------------ANCIENT AGE------------- ----------------------------------- -----LAND-------- SETTLER -- [Attack - 0 ][Defense - 0 ][Movement - 1 ][Cost - 3 ][Pop. Cost - 2] (No Tech Required) WORKER -- [Attack - 0 ][Defense - 0 ][Movement - 1 ][Cost - 1 ][ Pop. Cost - 1] (No Tech Required) SCOUT -- [Attack - 0 ][Defense - 0 ][Movement - 2 ][Cost - 1 ][HP Bonus - 0] (No Tech Required) {Upgrades to Explorer} WARRIOR -- [Attack - 1 ][Defense - 1 ][Movement - 1 ][Cost - 1 ][HP Bonus - 0] (No Tech Required) {Upgrades to Swordsman} ARCHER -- [Attack - 2 ][Defense - 1 ][Movement - 1 ][Cost - 2 ][HP Bonus - 0] (Warrior Code) {Upgrades to Crossbowman} SPEARMAN -- [Attack - 1 ][Defense - 1 ][Movement - 1 ][Cost - 2 ][HP Bonus - 0] (Bronze Working) {Upgrades to Pikeman} SWORDSMAN -- [Attack - 3 ][Defense - 1 ][Movement - 1 ][Cost - 3 ][HP Bonus - 0] (Iron Working) {Upgrades to Medievel Infantry} *Requires Iron* CHARIOT -- [Attack - 2 ][Defense - 1 ][Movement - 2 ][Cost - 3 ][HP Bonus - 0] (The Wheel) {Upgrades to Knight} *Requires Lumber and Horse* HORSEMAN -- [Attack - 3 ][Defense - 1 ][Movement - 2 ][Cost - 4 ][HP Bonus - 0] (Horseback Riding) {Upgrades to Knight} *Requires Horse and Iron* HORSE ARCHER -- [Attack - 3 ][Defense - 1 ][Movement - 2 ][Cost - 4 ][HP Bonus - 0] (Horseback Riding) {Upgrades to Knight} *Requires Horse and Lumber* CATAPULT -- [Bombard - 4 ][Range - 1 ][Rate of Fire - 1 ][Movement - 1 ][Cost - 3] [HP Bonus - 0] (Mathematics) {Upgrades to Trebuchet} *Requires Lumber* JAGUAR WARRIOR -- [Attack - 1 ][Defense - 1 ][Movement - 2 ][Cost - 1 ][HP Bonus - 0] (No Tech Required) {Upgrades to Swordsman} **Aztec Unique Unit** BOWMAN -- [Attack - 2 ][Defense - 2 ][Movement - 1 ][Cost - 2 ][HP Bonus - 0] (Warrior Code) {Upgrades to Crossbowman} *Requires Lumber* **Babylonian Unique Unit** HOPLITE -- [Attack - 1 ][Defense - 3 ][Movement - 1 ][Cost - 2 ][HP Bonus - 0] (Bronze Working) {Upgrades to Pikeman} **Greek Unique Unit** IMPI -- [Attack - 2 ][Defense - 2 ][Movement - 2 ][Cost - 2 ][HP Bonus - 0] (Bronze Working) {Upgrades to Pikeman} **Zulu Unique Unit** LEGIONARY -- [Attack - 3 ][Defense - 3 ][Movement - 1 ][Cost - 3 ][HP Bonus - 0] (Iron Working) {Upgrades to Medievel Infantry} *Requires Iron* **Roman Unique Unit** IMMORTALS -- [Attack -4 ][Defense - 1 ][Movement - 1 ][Cost - 3 ][HP Bonus - 0] (Iron Working) {Upgrades to Medievel Infantry} *Requires Iron* **Persian Unique Unit** WAR CHARIOT -- [Attack - 3 ][Defense - 1 ][Movement - 2 ][Cost - 4 ][HP Bonus - 0] (The Wheel) {Upgrades to Knight} *Requires Horses and Lumber* **Egyption Unique Unit** MOUNTED WARRIOR -- [Attack - 3 ][Defense - 1 ][Movement - 2 ][Cost - 2 ][HP Bonus - 0] (Horseback Riding) {Upgrades to Knight} *Requires Horses* **Iroquois Unique Unit** BERSERK -- [Attack - 6 ][Defense - 2 ][Movement - 1 ][Cost - 7 ][HP Bonus - 1] (Currency) {Upgrades to Musketman} *Requires Iron* **Scandanavian Unique Unit** GALLIC SWORDSMAN -- [Attack - 3 ][Defense - 2 ][Movement - 2 ][Cost - 3 ][HP Bonus - 0] (Iron Working) {Upgrades to Medievel Infantry} *Requires Iron* **Celtic Unique Unit** NUMIDIAN MERCENARY -- [Attack - 2 ][Defense - 3 ][Movement - 1 ][Cost - 3 ][HP Bonus - 0] (Bronze Working) {Upgrades to Pikeman} **Carthaginian Unique Unit** ----------------------- ---------NAVAL--------- GALLEY -- [Attack - 1 ][Defense - 1 ][Movement - 2 ][Cost - 3 ][HP Bonus - 0] [Transport - 2] (Map Making) {Upgrades to Caravel) *Requires Lumber* ----------------------------------------- ---------------Medievel Age---------------- ----------------------------------------- --------LAND--------- PIKEMAN -- [Attack - 2 ][Defense - 4 ][ Movement - 1 ][Cost - 4 ][HP Bonus - 1] (Fuedalism) {Upgrades to Musketmen} *Requires Iron* MEDIEVEL INFANTRY -- [Attack - 5 ][Defense - 2 ][Movement - 1 ][Cost - 4 ][HP Bonus - 1] (Fuedalism) {Upgrades to Musketmen} *Requires Iron* ASSASSIN -- [Attack - 4 ][Defense - 1 ][Movement - 1 ][Cost - 6 ][HP Bonus - 1] -Invisable- (Fuedalism) {Upgrades to Black Ops} CROSSBOWMAN -- [Attack - 4 ][Defense - 3 ][Movement - 1 ][Cost - 4 ][HP Bonus - 1] (Invention) {Upgrades to Musketmen} *Requires Lumber* KNIGHT -- [Attack - 5 ][Defense - 3 ][Movement - 2 ][Cost - 7 ][HP Bonus - 1] (Chivalry) {Upgrades to Cavalry} *Requires Iron and Horse* TREBUCHET -- [Bombard - 8 ][Range - 1 ][Rate of Fire - 1 ][Movement - 1 ][Cost - 6] [HP Bonus - 1] (Engineering) {Upgrades to Cannon} *Requires Lumber* MUSKETMEN -- [Attack - 4 ][Defense - 7 ][Movement - 1 ][Cost - 6 ][HP Bonus - 1] (Gunpowder) {Upgrades to Musket Infantry} *Requires Saltpeter* MUSKET INFANTRY -- [Attack - 9 ][Defense - 9 ][Movement - 1 ][Cost - 7 ][HP Bonus - 2] (Chemistry) {Upgrades to Rifleman} *Requires Saltpeter* RIFLEMAN -- [Attack - 12 ][Defense - 12 ][Movement - 1 ][Cost - 8 ][HP Bonus - 2] (Military Tradiiton) {Upgrades to Infantry) CAVALRY -- [Attack - 15 ][Defense - 10 ][Movement - 2 ][Cost - 8 ][HP Bonus - 2] (Military Tradition) {Upgrades to Assault Infantry} *Requires Horse and Saltpeter* CANNON -- [Bombard - 14 ][Range - 1 ][Rate of Fire - 1 ][Movement - 1 ][ Cost - 8] [HP Bonus - 2] (Metallurgy) {Upgrades to Artillery} *Requires Iron and Saltpeter* RIDER -- [Attack - 5 ][Defense - 3 ][Movement - 3 ][Cost - 7 ][HP Bonus - 1] (Chivalry) {Upgrades to Cavalry} *Requires Horse and Iron* **Chinese Unique Unit** SAMURAI -- [Attack - 5 ][Defense - 4 ][Movement - 1 ][Cost - 7 ][HP Bonus - 1] (Chivalry) {Upgrades to Cavalry} *Requires Iron* **Japanese Unique unit** WAR ELEPHANT -- [Attack - 5 ][Defense - 3 ][Movement - 2 ][Cost - 7 ][HP Bonus - 1] (Chivalry) {Upgrades to Cavalry} **Indian Unique Unit** KESHIK -- [Attack - 6 ][Defense - 2 ][Movement - 2 ][Cost - 7 ][HP Bonus - 1] (Chivalry) {Upgrades to Cavalry} *Requires Iron and Horse* **Mongolian Unique Unit** ANSAR WARRIOR -- [Attack - 5 ][Defense - 3 ][Movement - 3 ][Cost - 6 ][HP Bonus - 1] (Chivalry) {Upgrades to Cavalry} *Requires Horse and Iron* **Arabian Unique Unit** NAPOLEANIC INFANTRY -- [Attack - 9 ][Defense - 8 ][Movement - 1 ][Cost - 7] [HP Bonus - 2] (Chemistry) {Upgrades to Rifleman} *Requires Saltpeter* **French Unique Unit** COSSACK -- [Attack - 15 ][Defense - 11 ][Movement - 2 ][Cost - 8 ][HP Bonus - 2] (Military Tradition) {Upgrades to Assault Infantry} *Requires Horse and Saltpeter* **Russian Unique Unit** CONQUISTADOR -- [Attack - 15 ][Defense - 10 ][Movement - 2 ][Cost - 8] [HP Bonus - 2] (Navigation) {Upgrades to Assault Infantry} *Requires Horse and Saltpeter* **Spanish Unique Unit** SIPAHI -- [Attack - 16 ][Defense - 10 ][Movement - 2 ][Cost - 8 ][HP Bonus - 2] (Military Traditions) {Upgrades to Assault Infantry} *Requires Horse and Saltpeter* **Ottoman Unique Unit** HWACH'A -- [Bombard - 14 ][Range - 1 ][Rate of Fire - 1 ][Movement - 1 ][Cost - 6] [HP Bonus - 2] (Metallurgy) {Upgrades to Artillery} *Requires Saltpeter and Lumber* **Korean Unique Unit** ------------------------------ -----------NAVAL-------------- CARAVEL -- [Attack - 3 ][Defense - 3 ][ Movement - 3 ][Cost - 4 ][Transport - 3] [HP Bonus - 1] (Astronomy) {Upgrades to Galleon} *Requires Lumber* PRIVATEER -- [Attack - 4 ][Defense - 4 ][Movement - 5 ][Cost - 6 ][HP Bonus - 2] [Bombard - 2 ][Range - 1 ][Rate of Fire -1] -Lethal Sea Bombard- -Hidden Nationality- (Navigation) *Requires Lumber and Saltpeter* GALLEON -- [Attack - 3 ][Defense - 4 ][Movement - 5 ][Cost - 6 ][Transport - 2] [HP Bonus - 2] (Navigation) {Upgrades to Landing Craft} *Requires Lumber* FRIGATE -- [Attack - 6 ][Defense - 6 ][Movement - 5 ][Cost - 6 ][HP Bonus - 2] [Bombard - 8 ][Range - 1 ][Rate of Fire - 2] -Lethal Sea Bombard- (Navigation) *Requires Lumber and Saltpeter* IRONCLAD -- [Attack - 10 ][Defense - 8 ][Movement - 4 ][Cost - 8 ][HP Bonus - 2] [Bombard - 10 ][Range - 1 ][Rate of Fire - 2] -Lethal Sea Bombard- (Steam Power) *Requires Iron and Coal* MAN-O-WAR -- [Attack - 7 ][Defense - 6 ][Movement - 5 ][Cost - 7 ][HP Bonus - 2] [Bombard - 10 ][Range - 1 ][Rate of Fire - 2] -Lethal Sea Bombard- -Lethal Land Bombard- (Navigation) *Requires Lumber and Saltpeter* **English Unique Unit** -------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ -------------INDUSTRIAL AGE----------------- ------------------------------------------ ------------LAND-------------- INFANTRY -- [Attack - 14 ][Defense - 15 ][Movement - 1 ][Cost - 9 ][HP Bonus - 3] (Industrialization) {Upgrades to Modern Infantry} *Requires Rubber* SHOCK INFANTRY -- [Attack - 16 ][Defense - 12 ][Movement - 1 ][Cost - 9] [HP Bonus - 3] (Industrialization) {Upgrades to Assault Infantry} *Requires Rubber* TRUCK TRANSPORT -- [Attack - 0 ][Defense - 8 ][Movement - 2 ][Cost - 10] [Transport - 3 ][HP Bonus - 3 ] -Transport Foot Units Only- (Industrialization) {Upgrades to Light Transport} *Requires Oil* LIGHT TANK -- [Attack - 15 ][Defense - 15 ][Movement - 2 ][Cost - 11 ][HP Bonus - 3] (Steel) {Upgrades to Tank} *Requires Iron and Oil* ASSAULT INFANTRY -- [Attack - 18 ][Defense - 14 ][Movement - 1 ][Cost - 10] [HP Bonus - 3] -Amphibious- (Replaceable Parts) {Upgrades to Marine} *Requires Rubber* LAND MINE -- [Attack - 1 ][Defense - 10 ][Movement - 1 ][ Cost - 5 ] [Bombard - 10 ][Range - 0 ][Rate of Fire - 1 ][HP Bonus - 3] -Cruise Missile- -Lethal Land Bombard- -Invisable- (Replaceable Parts) TANK -- [Attack - 22 ][Defense - 14 ][Movement - 2 ][Cost - 12 ][HP Bonus - 3] -Blitz- (Motorized Transportation) {Upgrades to Modern Armor} *Requires Oil, Rubber, and Iron* ARTILLERY -- [Bombard - 20 ][Range - 2 ][Rate of Fire - 2 ][Movement - 1] [Cost - 10 ][HP Bonus - 3] -Lethal Land Bombard- -Lethal Sea Bombard- (Replaceable Parts) {Upgrades to Self Propelled Artillery} *Requires Iron* PANZER -- [Attack - 22 ][Defense - 14 ][Movement - 3 ][Cost - 12 ][HP Bonus - 3] -Blitz- (Motorized Transportation) {Upgrades to Modern Armor} *Requires Oil, Rubber, and Iron* **German Unique Unit** --------------------------------- -------------NAVAL--------------- DREADNOUGHT -- [Attack - 14 ][Defense - 10 ][ Movement - 6 ][Cost - 16 ] [Bombard - 16 ][Range - 1 ][Rate of Fire - 2 ][HP Bonus - 3] -Lethal Sea Bombard- -Lethal Land Bombard- (Steel) {Upgrades to Battleship} *Requires Iron and Oil* LANDING CRAFT -- [Attack - 6 ][Defense - 10 ][Movement - 8 ][Cost - 12] [Transport - 4 ][HP Bonus - 3] (Combustion) *Requires Iron and Oil* DESTROYER -- [Attack - 16 ][Defense - 12 ][Movement - 8 ][Cost - 14 ] [Bombard - 16 ][Range - 1 ][Rate of Fire - 2 ][HP Bonus - 3] -Lethal Sea Bombard- -Lethal Land Bombard- -Detect Invisable- (Combustion) {Upgrades to Modern Destroyer} *Requires Iron and Oil* SUBMARINE -- [Attack - 16 ][Defense - 12 ][Movement - 6 ][Cost - 12 ] [HP Bonus - 3] -Invisable- -Detect Invisable- (Combustion) {Upgrades to Nuclear Attack Sub} *Requires Iron and Oil* BATTLESHIP -- [Attack - 18 ][Defense - 11 ][Movement - 6 ][Cost - 45 ] [Bombard - 28 ][Range - 2 ][Rate of Fire - 2 ][HP Bonus - 3] -Lethal Sea Bombard- -Lethal Land Bombard- -Rotate to Attack- (Mass Production) {Upgrades to Modern Battleship} *Requires Iron and Oil* LIGHT CARRIER -- [Attack - 8 ][Defense - 12 ][Movement - 8 ][Cost - 20] [Transport - 4 ][HP Bonus - 3] -Transport Aircraft Only- (Flight) *Requires Iron and Oil* --------------------------------- --------------AIR---------------- FIGHTER -- [Attack - 12 ][Defense - 8 ][Operational Range - 5 ][Cost - 10] [Bombard - 16 ][Rate of Fire - 2 ][HP Bonus - 3] -Interception- -Recon- -Bombing- -Re-Base- -Lethal Land Bombard- -Lethal Sea Bombard- (Flight) {Upgrades to Jet Fighter} *Requires Iron and Oil* HEAVY FIGHTER -- [Attack - 10 ][Defense - 8 ][Operational Range - 5][Cost - 13] [Bombard - 18 ][Rate of Fire - 2 ][HP Bonus - 3] -Interception- -Recon- -Bombing- -Re-Base- -Lethal Land Bombard- -Lethal Sea Bombard- (Flight) {Upgrades to Ground Attack Fighter} *Requires Iron and Oil* BOMBER -- [Attack - 0 ][Defense - 6 ][Operational Range - 7 ][Cost - 12] [Bombard - 20 ][Rate of Fire - 3 ][HP Bonus - 3] -Bombing- -Re-Base- -Lethal Land Bombard- -Lethal Sea Bombard- (Flight) {Upgrades to Heavy Bomber} *Requires Iron and Oil* HELICOPTER -- [Attack - 0 ][Defense - 8 ][Movement - 6 ][Cost - 12 ] [Transport - 2 ][Operational Range - 4 ][HP Bonus - 4] -Transports Foot Units Only- -Re-Base- -Recon- (Advanced Flight) *Requires Oil and Rubber* -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ------------------MODERN AGE---------------------- ----------------------------------------------- -------------LAND--------------- MARINE -- [Attack - 26 ][Defense - 22 ][Movement - 1 ][Cost - 14 ][HP Bonus - 4] -Amphibious- (Computers) *Requires Rubber* MODERN INFANTRY -- [Attack - 24 ][Defense - 24 ][Movement - 1 ][Cost - 14] [HP Bonus - 4] -Airdrop- (Computers) *Requires Rubber and Oil* SPECIAL FORCES -- [Attack - 18 ][Defense - 16 ][Movement - 1 ][Cost - 15] [HP Bonus - 4] -Invisable- -Detect Invisable- -Amphibious- -Airdrop- -Treat All Squares As Road- (Computers) *Requires Rubber and Oil* BLACK OPS -- [Attack - 18 ][Defense - 12 ][Movement - 1 ][Cost - 16 ][HP Bonus - 4] -Invisable- -Hidden Nationality- -Airdrop- (Computers) *Requires Rubber and Oil* LIGHT TRANSPORT -- [Attack - 22 ][Defense - 16 ][Movement - 4 ][Cost - 16] [Transport - 2 ][HP Bonus - 4] -Transports Foot Units Only- (Computers) *Requires Iron and Oil* MECH INFANTRY -- [Attack - 18 ][Defense - 25 ][Movement - 3 ][Cost - 16 ][HP Bonus - 4] (Miniturization) *Requires Iron, Rubber, and Oil* MODERN ARMOR -- [Attack - 32 ][Defense - 20 ][Movement - 3 ][ Cost - 24 ][HP Bonus - 4] -Blitz- (Synthetic Fibers) *Requires Iron, Aluminium, and Oil* APC -- [Attack - 22 ][Defense - 20 ][Movement - 2 ][Cost - 18 ][Transport - 4] [HP Bonus - 4] -Transports Foot Units Only- (Miniturization) *Requires Iron, Oil, and Rubber* SELF PROPELLED ARTILLERY -- [Bombard - 28 ][Range - 3 ][Rate of Fire - 2 ][Movement - 2] [Cost - 18 ][HP Bonus - 4] -Lethal Land Bombard- -Lethal Sea Bombard- (Robotics) *Requires Iron, Aluminium, and Oil* ROCKET ARTILLERY -- [Attack - 0 ][Defense - 0 ][Movement - 2 ][Cost - 16] [Transport - 2 ][HP Bonus - 4] -Transport Tactical Missile Only- -Transport Only Foot Units- -Radar- (Rocketry) *Requires Iron and Rubber* MULTIPLE ROCKET LAUNCHER -- [Attack - 0 ][Defense - 0 ][Movement - 3 ][Cost - 18] [Transport - 4 ][HP Bonus - 4] -Transport Only Tactical Missile- -Transport Only Foot Unit- -Radar- (Robotics) *Requires Iron, Aluminum, Rubber* TACTICAL GROUND ROCKET -- [Bombard - 16 ][Range - 3 ][Rate of Fire - 3 ][Movement - 1] [Cost - 6 ][HP Bonus - 4] -Cruise Missile- -Tactical Missile- -Foot Unit- -Lethal Land Bombard- -Lethal Sea Bombard- (Rocketry) *Aluminium* STS MISSILE -- [Bombard - 20 ][Range - 5 ][Rate of Fire - 3 ][Movement - 1 ] [Cost - 9 ][HP Bonus - 4] -Cruise Missile- -Tactical Missile- -Foot Unit- -Lethal Land Bombard- -Lethal Sea Bombard- (Smart Weapons) *Requires Aluminium* CRUISE MISSILE -- [Bombard - 26 ][Range - 7 ][Rate of Fire - 3 ][Movement - 1 ] [Cost - 18 ][HP Bonus - 4] -Cruise Missile- -Tactical Missile- (Smart Weapons) *Requires Aluminium* TACTICAL NUKE -- [Range - 14 ][Movement - 1 ][Cost - 35 ][HP Bonus - 4] -Nuclear Weapon- -Tactical Missile- (Space Flight) *Requires Aluminium and Uranium* ICBM -- [Movement - 1 ][Cost - 60 ][HP Bonus - 4] -Infinite Range- -Nuclear Weapon- (Satellites) *Aluminium and Uranium* ----------------------------------- --------------NAVAL---------------- AMPHIBIOUS ASSAULT TRANSPORT -- [Attack - 8 ][Defense - 8 ][Movement - 6 ][Cost - 18] [Transport - 8 ][HP Bonus - 4] (Computers) *Requires Iron and Oil* MODERN DESTROYER -- [Attack - 18 ][Defense - 16 ][Movement - 8 ][Cost - 18] [Bombard - 20 ][Range - 2 ][Rate of Fire - 2 ][HP Bonus - 4] -Detect Invisable- -Lethal Land Bombard- -Lethal Sea Bombard- (Nuclear Power) *Requires Iron and Oil* NUCLEAR ATTACK SUB -- [Attack - 20 ][Defense - 16 ][Movement - 8 ][Cost - 20] [HP Bonus - 4] -Invisable- -Detect Invisable- (Nuclear Power) *Requires Iron and Uranium* NUCLEAR BALLISTIC SUB -- [Attack - 15 ][Defense - 15 ][Movement - 7 ][Cost - 20] [Transport - 3 ][HP Bonus - 4] -Invisable- -Detect Invisable- -Transport Tactical Missile Only- (Nuclear Power) *Requires Iron and Uranium* SUPER CARRIER -- [Attack - 10 ][Defense - 16 ][Movement - 8 ][Cost - 35 ][Transport - 8] [HP Bonus - 4] -Transports Aircraft Only- -Radar- (Nuclear Power) *Requires Iron and Uranium* MODERN BATTLESHIP -- [Attack - 20 ][Defense - 10 ][Movement - 4 ][Cost - 65] [Bombard - 32 ][Range - 3 ][Rate of Fire - 3] -Rotate to Attack- -Lethal Land Bombard- -Lethal Sea Bombard- (Miniturization) *Requires Iron, Iron, and Oil* GUIDED MISSILE DESTROYER -- [Attack - 16 ][Defense - 16 ][Movement - 8 ][Cost - 20] [Transport - 4 ][Operational Range - 3 ][HP Bonus - 4] -Transports Tactical Missile Only- -Radar- -Interception- (Robotics) *Requires Iron, Aluminium, and Oil) AEGIS CRUISER -- [Attack - 24 ][Defense - 18 ][Movement - 8 ][Cost - 24 ] [Bombard - 12 ][Range - 2 ][Rate of Fire - 2] -Lethal Sea Bombard- -Lethal Land Bombard- (Robotics) *Requires Iron, Aluminium, and Uranium* -------------------------------- --------------AIR--------------- ATTACK HELICOPTER -- [Attack - 24 ][Defense - 14 ][Movement - 6 ][Cost - 18] [Bombard - 20 ][Operational Range - 2 ][Rate of Fire - 2] [HP Bonus - 4] -Recon- -Re-Base- -Lethal Land Bombard- -Blitz- (Computers) *Requires Oil, Rubber, and Aluminium* JET FIGHTER -- [Attack - 20 ][Defense - 12 ][Operational Range - 9 ][Cost - 18] [Bombard - 20 ][Rate of Fire - 2 ][HP Bonus - 4] -Radar- -Interception- -Recon- -Re-Base- -Bombing- -Lethal Land Bombard- -Lethal Sea Bombard- (Rocketry) *Requires Alumininum and Oil* GROUND ATTACK FIGHTER -- [Attack - 16 ][Defense - 10 ][Operational Range - 9] [Cost - 24 ][Bombard - 14 ][Rate of Fire - 3 ][HP Bonus - 4] -Radar- -Interception- -Bombing- -Precision Bombing- -Recon- -Re-base- -Lethal Land Bombard- -Lethal Sea Bombard- (Rocketry) *Requires Aluminium and Oil* STEALTH FIGHTER -- [Bombard - 14 ][Rate of Fire - 3 ][Operational Range - 9] [Cost - 24 ][HP Bonus - 4] -Bombing- -Precision Bombing- -Radar- -Recon- -Rebase- -Stealth- -Lethal Land Bombard- -Lethal Sea Bombard- (Stealth) *Requires Aluminium and Oil* HEAVY BOMBER -- [Attack - 0 ][Defense - 6 ][Operational Range - 20 ][Cost - 20] [Bombard - 30 ][Rate of Fire - 3 ][Transport - 1 ][HP Bonus - 4] -Bombing- -Precision Bombing- -Re-Base- -Transport Tactical Missile Only- -Lethal Land Bombard- -Lethal Sea Bombard- -Radar- (Rocketry) *Requires Aluminium and Oil* SUPERSONIC BOMBER -- [Attack - 0 ][Defense - 14 ][Operational Range - 20 ][Cost - 24] [Bombard - 28 ][Rate of Fire - 3 ][Transport - 1 ][HP Bonus - 4] -Bombing- -Precision Bombing- -Recon- -Re-Base- -Lethal Land Bombard- -Lethal Sea Bombard- -Transport Tactical Missiles Only- -Radar- (Space Flight) *Requires Aluminium, Oil, and Rubber* STEALTH BOMBER -- [Bombard - 28 ][Rate of Fire - 3 ][Operational Range - 20 ][Cost - 36] [Transport - 1 ][HP Bonus - 4] -Bombing- -Precision Bombing- -Re-Base- -Stealth- -Lethal Land Bombard- -Lethal Sea Bombard- -Radar- -Transport Tactical Missile Only- (Stealth) *Requires Aluminium and Oil* AIR DEFENSE SYSTEM -- [Attack - 18 ][Defense - 0 ][Operational Range - 4 ][Cost - 9] -Interception- -Radar- -Cruise Missile- (Smart Weapons) *Requires Aluminium* AIR TRANSPORT -- [Attack - 0 ][Defense - 6 ][Operational Range - 12 ][Cost - 18] [Transport - 4 ][HP Bonus - 4] -Airdrop- -Re-Base- -Transports Foot Units Only- (Rocketry) *Requires Aluminium, Oil, and Rubber* AWACS -- [Operational Range - 20 ][Cost - 16 ][HP Bonus - 4] -Radar- -Recon- -Re-Base- (Computers) *Requires Aluminium and Oil* SATELLITE -- [Operational Range - 360 ][Cost - 5 ][HP Bonus - 4] -Recon- -Stealth- -Detect Invisable- -Blitz- (Satellites) *Requires Aluminium* -------------------------------