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Scipio and Others Realism Epic

What the Realism Epic is aimed at doing

Table Of Contents

1. A Word

2. Scipio Map Modification

3. Scipio and Others Realism Epic

4. Links

1 - Overview

I've designed both the Scipio Map Modification and the Realism Epic to diversify and bring more realism into playing CivIII. Bot hwere also designed to allow the user to continue to play normal Civilization without complications. This sight is very basic but I am trying to make grow and become more user friendly as time passes. Please feel free to make comments on the modification at the CivFanatics mod pack forums thread, or the user created maps forum.

Scipio Map Modification

Based From Marla's Map v1.05

Scipio Map Modification Edition IV

The Scipio Map Modification Edition IV

The map modification has made several very wide ranging changes to Marla's map to include additional realism, game balance, and enjoyment of the game. It reduces highly the over abundance of resources on Marla's map. It also resizes Europe to be mroe preportionate to the rest of the world. It also expands many mountain ranges from Asia to Europe that were not included in the original map. I feel it adds highly to the realism of the map and the flexability and balance of starting locations for nearly all the civilizations.

3 - The Realism Epic

Scipio & Others Realism Epic

The changes made in the game are to try and represent a more realistic battlefield experience while building it within the constraints of gameplay balance and Civilization3's editor. This widens the ability for military operations from the ancient era to the modern one. However the largest change in warfare will occur throughout the industrial and modern ages. Some things envisioned have not yet been implemented, leaving some era's less releastic as one might hope. However many additions have been made to make this an expansive and new feel to combat operations and domestic planning. This including 24 new units (17 using new animations and more coming), A completly reworked unit attributes (excluding the ancient era), 20 new improvements and wonders, 2 new resources, 1 new government, and other wide ranging modifications. Through these modifications i've tried to expand the options available in domestic planning, make units a lower rate of success against more modern units without comprimising their ability to contend, and provide this all on realistic data. The mission of this beta is to collect opinions and data from users to try and ensure and modify the Realism Epic to be balanced and as realistic without comprimising gameplay.

4 - Links

Download and Links

*Download* The Realism Epic Download 0.98 13.9mb
*Download* The Realism Epic PTW Version v0.98b 16.2mb
The Realism Epic Readme (not updated)
CivFanatics - site that covers all 3 Civilizations.
Civilization III's main site
DOD 101 - Must see site. A page that links you to information about all modern/contemporary modern military hardware.