Old Timey Feel

To make things feel more old-timey, enter OLDTV as a name, pressing L2 + CIRCLE + SQUARE when you enter it.

Unlock All Battle Levels

To unlock all battle levels, enter ALLFISH as a name, pressing L2 + CIRCLE + SQUARE when you enter it.

Unlock All Characters

To unlock all characters, enter PUPPETS as a name, pressing L2 + CIRCLE + SQUARE when you enter it.

Unlock All Levels

To unlock all levels,

Enter ALLRAYMANM as a name, pressing L2 + CIRCLE + SQUARE when you enter it.

Unlock All Race Levels

To unlock all race levels, enter ALLTRIBES as a name, pressing L2 + CIRCLE + SQUARE when you enter it.

Unlock All Skins

To unlock all skins, enter CARNIVAL as a name, pressing L2 + CIRCLE + SQUARE when you enter it.

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