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Phantasy Star Online Central Headquarters

Welcome back. I added a new links page, and its got a few looksie-worthy links. Sorry I havent updated in a while. What with school, and discovering the outside world. Also, Seaman for my DC just came, and GOD those little things need attention. Just about every time I turn my Dreamcast on, I hear "Your tank contains 4 Gillmen. They are suffering from the cold." (Yes, I DO turn the heat and air up before I leave). But thats not what this site is about. Im trying to round up some pics for a pictures page. Anybody who has any animated PSO, PSO V.2, PS I, PS II, PS II, Gaiden, the works-send em in if you want them on the site. Click here or here to e-mail me. More updates soon. Later.

*~Table Of Contents~*
Phantasy Star Online Walkthrough v.1.0.
Phantasy Star Message Board
Phantasy Star Through The Ages