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C2B Rules


1. Never Spam Or Scroll In Meetings.

2. Never Abuse The Server Or Admin Controls.

3. When You Receive 2 Strikes, Your Out. That's Final !!!

4. No Talking About Others Behind Their Back.

5. E-mail Either Cartman2b Or X_Stickman If You Cant Make Training Or Meetings.

6. If You Have A Problem With Someone, Tell Them. The Others Don't Care. Keep It With Yourselves.

7. If You Dont E-mail Me Such As Going On Holiday Or Somthing Else For 3 Weeks Or More, You Will Be Kicked Out Of The Clan Because Of Inactivity Without the leaders Knowing.

And the Golden rule, don't be gay, don't leave for stupid reasons.

- Olie and Cartman