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[Online Games]



August 30, 2002 -- Finished my homework, played Gamecube and did not make any significant changes to the website.  Expect a Review of Smuggler's Run: Warzones soon and maybe a new flash animation.

August 29, 2002 -- Today I added more news and made some small changes in the website.  Did you notice them?

August 28, 2002 -- Today I was busy studying and playing Smuggler's War Zones.  It is freaking cool!  It was published by RockStar, the same people that made Grand Theft Auto III.  This game is kind of hard to understand at first but once you learn how to play it is really fun, specially four-player mode. 

August 27, 2002 -- Well it seems that finally Turok: Evolution, Super Monkey Ball 2 and Super Mario Sunshine are coming out.  The Nintendo GameCube is really dishing out lots of quality games.  I can't express the joy I feel right now as the webmaster of this Nintendo Gamecube website (I was originally going to buy the PS2 or the X-box).  I can't wait till Star Fox adventures, The Legend of Zelda and Metroid Prime are released.  Oh yeah! I did not make any updates today.

August 26, 2002 -- Well today there is nothing new only that Super Mario Sunshine and Super Monkey Ball 2 are available in the USA.  I have waited a long time for this game and I hope that my shipment comes soon.  I got the Super Mario Bundle pack from Nintendo click here to check it out

August 25, 2002 -- I added Pac-man World 2 cheats.

August 24, 2002 -- Today I was really tired from last night's soccer game so I did not do anything on the website. 

August 23, 2002 -- Well it is Friday and I have so much homework but I'm going to do it tomorrow. Oh man! I just took this aerobics class at school and WOW ! there were so many cute girls..  Remember people stay in school because college is lots of fun! Oh well today I added news.  It seems Nintendo broke a World  Record in the name of Mario.  Read about it on the news section.   

August 22, 2002 -- Well I have not been updating much because school has started here.  I have not posted any reviews because I need to pay for school first.  But I'll have a new review of Super Mario Sunshine as soon as I get it.  You should orders your copy too because this game will surely be the best Mario game yet.  It has received lots of great reviews in Japan.  I recommend you to buy directly from Nintendo check out the news section to read on the Super Mario Sunshine Pack.

August 21, 2002 -- Today I added news.

August 20, 2002 -- Well I was really tired and I could not update the website.  I'm just anxiously waiting for the Phantasy Star which will feature Online gameplay and a keyboard for the Gamecube.  I hope the service is cheap!

August 19, 2002 --  I finally published the new intro and it looks cool.  At least to me.  I don't think it works on Netscape though.  I can't wait for Super Mario Sunshine to come out! too bad it is coming out when most people go back to school here in the U.S.A.  It would have been better if it was released during the summer vacation.  Well six more days till Super Mario Sunshine is released. 

August 18, 2002--  Today I just put the final touches in the new intro.  It was really fun to do.  I will try to put in a new intro every month.  I hope to get my new domain soon.  

August 17, 2002 -- Man! FLASH is really hard.  I still have not figured out how to make games with it.  Maybe I should switch to shockwave.  Well, Super Mario Sunshine comes out by the end of this month.  I will probably buy it as soon as it comes out.  This game is simply amazing. 

August 16, 2002 --  Today was a rather slow day.  I was really tired from playing soccer last night.  I added news and was surprised to see that Electronic Arts was offering online games.  They are pretty cool!  School starts next week and I hope to do well in my classes.  I learned so much about the internet over this summer.  But going to school is going to be hard unless if there aren't any cute girls in my classes.  I will still have time to work on the website and my personal FLASH game.     

August 15, 2002 -- Today I added more news and read the tutorial of FLASH MX.  

August 14, 2002 -- Well another soccer game today so no updates.  I am rather satisfied on how the website is looking.  Pretty soon I'll integrate more FLASH stuff into it.  When I get it looking right, I will probably get my own domain.  Yeah!  that would be pretty cool.  But for the time being, I rather learn more about website design.      

August 13, 2002 -- No updates today.  The soccer game got me too tired to update and I read more on FLASH. 

August 12, 2002 -- Today looked like it was going to rain but then I saw a ray of light trough the clouds so I went to the beach.  Had lots of fun and did not update this page much.  The release dates are being updated because some games were not released on the dates published so I'm changing them.  

August 11, 2002 -- It was cloudy and rained most of the day.  So I watched TV.  That G4 network is really cool.  I get to see so much things that are happening with the video gaming world.  

August 10, 2002 -- It was such a nice day that I just did nothing but clean my room.  Now it is no longer a mess.  

August 09, 2002 -- Today I read more on flash and I got a terrible headache.  I don't know maybe I'm playing too much GameCube.  Also working on a new intro screen.  

August 08, 2002 -- Well today I read more about FLASH which seems to be a pretty cool technology.  I hope I have games made from flash soon.  Well I heard about this new fighting game from Capcom "Capcom VS SNK: Extreme Offensive"  it looks sweet.  I hope it lives up to its name because Super Smash Bros.  and Bloody Roar are the only fighting games in the GameCube.  Oh yeah, I have also noticed that the quality of GameCube games has improved.   

August 07,  2002 -- Today I just added news and I feel really great about having this website.  I hope it stays a long time in the net.  Thanks to YOU if you are reading this.  I really appreciate your visit.   

August 06, 2002 --  Added cheats

August 05, 2002 --  Nothing new today

August 04, 2002 --  Well I finally managed to put in some Resident Evil Pictures.  Sorry but they could not be gory because lots of kids can enter this website.  I also added news and that is it.  

August 03, 2002 -- Added a new intro screen.  Now you can move the guy in the intro screen with the up, down, left and right arrows on your keyboard.  

August 02, 2002 -- I went to the beach so there are no updates.

August 01 , 2002 --  Well a new month has started and I'm glad too see that there have been over 500 visitors.  Thanks for taking interest in my website people!  Well I added a better flash movie.  The first one I put kind of looked crappy.  I'm very excited about using flash.  It loads fast and it does amazing things.  Sorry but game music could not be updated because I don't know how to import music files into the computer yet. 


