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Links related to this site
3D modelling/animation
Computer game design/production

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Related Links

3D Game Studio...
This site is dedicated to the Conitec's 3D game/interactive product that allows users to create entire game applications or virtual walkthroughs of vast cities.

3D Modelling/Animation

3D Animation Workshop...
Quite a good place to start if you are new to this area. This site provides many tutorials to learn various area of 3D and animation.

3D Links...
Contains many links to external resources as well as hosting some of its own like the variety of forums available to ask others for help.

Although most of this site is not in English, the tutorial section is available as such and has a large selection of them to chose from.

3D Buzz...
Professional 3D resource containing practically everything you could need. From tutorials to featured 3D artists, this site is worth a visit.

Game Design/Prodution

This site is all about "The Art & Science Of Making Games". That said, this is a very useful site when it comes to game design and the many areas including in making games.


3D Game Studio Forum...
This forum accompanies the 3D GameStudio application featured above. This forum covers everything to do with the application and any other relevant related topics.

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