Quote of the unspecified time period: "They misunderestimated me!" ~Dubya



Welcome to our page. ^_^ If you're a Din'Taal, we know you hate us. Everyone else, love us! Send us money! ^^;; Except you're not gonna. Drat.

Anyway, first comic. 24 Hours, a saga about the time when Losty was in trouble for teledestroying unique items. He has 24 hours to live... and get laid. Click here and enjoy.
Note from Sari: This also includes the birth of SNOOF! We love ya Rancor! Heh heh heh.
Note from Moraine: We do not love ya Rancor. That is why we mock you relentlessly. Sariel is a vicious, spiteful liar.
Note from Sariel: No comment.

A new saga! Finally! After all your waiting with baited breath, we've come up with new material for all you sports fans out there. Yes, welcome to The Lord of the Pools of Blood. The pool of blood is the spawn race quest thing in Szagan, so it's just... it. The comic is finished, and fully posted! Click here and experience the magic.

Image Gallery

This isn't *just* comics... we've got pictures, too! Welcome to the lovely image gallery.

What does Moraine really dream about? Find out in Moraine's Worst Nightmare. [By Sariel.]

What would happen if Silathis used needle torture on Losty? When you've got Sariel in the bushes, and Sariel loves sparkly things, and a protective Lyth in Silathis' way, things can get quite weird. [By Sariel.]
Note from Sari: I knew this would come back to haunt me.

The original picture that started the Lyth/Losty luhv madness... we present you with the Original Group Shot. [By Sariel.]
Note from Sari: Yaoi fans much . . . okay, actually, Moraine and Mirinda are the rabid fanmonkeys, but it was funnier with bales of assorted Greenes.
Note from Moraine: Stop asking me who Raissa is. You don't know her. She's a lurker. Shoo.

A badly scanned character study of Laguna. Disciple got in there somehow, too. [By Sariel.]
Note from Sari: It's badly drawn, too. She picked some really crappy pics to scan.
Note from Moraine: Just to spite you, babe... just to spite you.
Note from Sariel: Don't call me babe, wench!
Note from Moraine: You are my babe, babe.
Note from Sariel: Avaunt, demon!

Sound Gallery

At an anonymous player's request, otherwise known as Losty's bitching, the sound gallery has been removed.

Coming Attractions:
* "Guards! Guards!" -- a comic by Moraine, spoofing the wonderful Terry Prachett. ^__^

Hi all again! I finally decided to update this page, since Sari has been doing so much work on it, it's actually starting to look like an official page. How scary. Gralnak, link to us on the E website, damn it! That's all for now. Losty, we love *coughdespisecough* you! Mwahaha. And yes Sariel, COMIX DEATH BOMB is a bad name, so I made it something more fitting.

-Elder Moraine Aes Sedai Bearclaw, Aurora's Daughter (a much cooler title than "Sari" so THERE!)

I just wanted to state, for the sake of my ego, that these comics are NOT NOT NOT an attempt at drawing well. They are what happens when I scribble for five minutes during French class. French is the root of all evil. And Moraine thinks "COMIX DEATH BOMB" is a bad name. :(
Update: I didn't actually do "so much work on it." I fiddled around for a little while. :) But you can give me credit for hard work if you want...

- Sari, simplicity is beauty

*Please note that nothing here is intended to offend anyone. The comics are drawn in good fun and the only reactions we intend to provoke are amusement, shrieks of horror, and blank stares. (Oh, and we're also trying to act out Losty and Lyth's unspoken, undone fantasies for them. We know they want it.) Thank you for your time.
Note from Sariel: Um, Moraine did the parentheses. And we do way too many little notes. We'll delete them eventually.