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Interview with the finalists                 

One more mission to go. The thoughst of the finalist:

Your thoughts? I thought it was okay.

your satisfied with your performance? Yes Iam

20 th are you happy? I'm satisfied reaching the finals was great.

Are you happy? Yes.

Top 15 your happy? Yes totally

Your thoughts? I'm satisfied

Dissapointed? Not at all.

And did you expect more? Not at all

As a veteran  your thoughts? I still did good

So what are your thoughts? My best overall ranking. What more can I say.

Once more a super final mission. your thoughts? Top 5 is good.

Goal archieved? Yes totally.

Are you satisfied? Top 10 is good

Tope ten. Are you satisfied? Yes I am

So are you satisfied? Yes.

Finised on 3rd again. your comment? well my son is happy. His girlfried 2nd and his mother 3rd

Disappointed? Not at all

No chance to win? No Vicky was too good but 2nd is swell.

Just out of the Top 3. Disappinted? No, Sonja was too good so I couldn't holl 3rd place.

Our first winner while being pregnant. Also the youngest ever. Your thoughts? I'm so happy to have won it. Now I get my baby and we see how next years go