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My Thoughts #4

Michelle Kay,
Last night, after we got off the phone, I sat down and read through all of the Valentine's Day letters and the card you sent me. It was so awesome not only talking to such a wonderful person last night, but then being able to read all these great things you think about me and know how true they are. You mean so much to me and have brought such great joy into my life. I am so excited about you coming up here and the thing that "should succeed in blowing you away." It was really awesome hearing your laugh and you saying "that's great," and then laughing some more when I said that. I can not wait. Thankyou for everything you do for me. Miss you so much. Only 23 more days . Can not wait.


Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

--James 1:17 --

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