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My Thoughts

Michelle Kay,
I got your letter yesterday. It meant so much to me. I loved every single word of it. Not only that, but I even got to talk to you yesterday. It was awesome talking to you. I wanted to let you know that once I came back up to the school yesterday, I fixed the program I was coding. It was so awesome to top off a great conversation with you with finally fixing that problem that took 12 hours. LoL. I worked on the 'special' page today some too. It should be up soon. Sorry i've been so busy lately and haven't had time to finish it. I can only work on it while I'm at school the way I have it set up. Michelle, you are such a great person. I sent you another letter in the mail today, and can not wait for you to send me the letter you are holding. I loved in the letter how you described your visit coming up here as an indescribable week, and all the ways that you said things would happen...such as meeting at the airport and stuff. It was just really cool reading what you said and running it all through my mind (for the millionth I can not wait to see you. It snowed a whole bunch again today. There will definitely be a ton of snow in the mountains for you in March. I had better close for now. Have lots more work to do of course. I miss you so much and will talk to you soon.


Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

--James 1:17 --

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