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Michelle Kay,
I hope that you enjoy looking at this webpage from time to time. I intend on posting some of my thoughts up here and the sort. I am going to try and get a few pictures of me up here as well along with a few other things I think you might like. I do want to let you know how beautiful you are. Someone came up to me today and told me that he and his friends were back here looking at your pictures and thought you looked very pretty. It made me think not only about how beautiful you really are, but also about how did I ever get so lucky. To not only know your outer beauty, but a great deal of your inner beauty. Really, they have no idea. To reiterate what you said, I really do have it bad for you, and quite honestly, I like it that way. I want you to know that I am praying for your interview tomorrow night. I know you will do great and that God will provide for you his plan for your life this summer. Michelle, you are a great person to me, and I hope that this webpage will provide for me yet another way to show you that. If you would like, I can set up something where we can leave messages for each other on the page...small blurbs and whatnot, but I will leave that up to you. In any case, have a great day. I am praying for you always. I think of you constantly.


Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

--James 1:17 --

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