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Metroid Fusion Xtreme


Metroid Fusion Neoseeker Board
Pro Previews
My Friends Metroid Prime Site
My Preview (Review to come)

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Welcome to Metroid Fusion Xtreme. Here you can find all of the latest news, images, previews, etc....about the highly anticipated game I have put many new links and fun stuff on the site. But don't worry, if this doesn't please you, then it will in a couple weeks. I am updating it with so much stuff. I'm working about 45 minutes a day on it, so in no time, it will be up and running in no time! Please email me if you want some more stuff on this site. Email adress is everywhere.

September 29, 2002
8:05 P.M


Here's whats happening..
Hey Everyone, and welcome to my site. I started this about an hour ago, and look what I have. Please visit my friends Metroid Prime site, there is a link for it at the bottom. Please email him at and thank him for the pic he put up, and for telling me how to do these news things. Right now, the release date is scheduled for November 18th, and I don't think that it will be changed! But, you will not be getting the game until one day later, for it needs to ship on it's release date, I added an Images link, it links to neoseeker, and just about every other link does to, go and become a member there! Well, I gotta go, later

October 2, 2002
7:12 PPM

Fusion Master

Well, it's me again, what I was planning worked out, so now, here is the news for Metroid Fusion. Samus will have new attacks coming in to her new GBA game. Old moves/attacks will still be in place, but here are 2 new ones. She will now be able to climb walls, good for those hard to reach enemies. Also, she can jump, and if she doesnt make it, then she can hold on to the edge, and get up, just like in SSBM. Those are new attacks, but don't fear, more are on the way! Anyway. As I have said before, the game will be IN STORES November 19th. Preorder it, thats what I did! If you are getting a cube, then you might find somethin special if you hook up both games, not much INFO there, but I believe that you will be able to play fusion on your TV, now how cool is that?!?!?!? Well, it's time to eat pizza, and also time to convince my parents to get me a cube! Later. Note: The news involving the link up T.V thing is unconfirmed, but I will look into it, so don't worry

November 12, 2002

Fusion Master

Updates to the Site: Important!
Hyez, I have made major improvements to the site. I have made a black bar, just like my friends site. I also uploaded screens to a page, so it wouldn't link to another site. I made my own preview too. More stuff to come, because I just started to update the site more. So please be patient. Remember to email me if you want somethin on the site. Thanx!
