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Welcome, one and all, to the heart of our company. The games. Currently, our small brigade of talent are planning seven projects. One project is finished and available on the downloads page. Below are descriptions of them.

Unfinished projects: 7
Finished projects: 1

Adventure Themed Games


Deception/Mystery/Danger themed games


Later on, this game will come out. Teenfreak is about a boy, exiled from society for a haneous crime that he can't remember ever commiting. Now, he must find the culprit who did this, while escaping from police, even though it may very well be himself who is the culprit.
Status: Halted


A man named Jack Lumms must save the Earth from a gigantic asteroid and at the same time, keep 40 million people in a massive ship from eradicating the human race. Note that this game is one in a series of games.
Status: In Progress

Cartoon/Bizzare themed Games

Monkey Disaster

Uh-oh! It looks as if Dr. Sshmitt did one experiment on Cocoa the monkey too far. Cocoa's brain has been scrambled into submission. It is up to Dr. Sshmitt's parter to shrink into the micro-world and repair the brain before it's too late.
Status: In Progress

Joe's Pizza Palace

As our main project, we expect that Joe's Pizza Palace will be the best of the big three. The story is about a boy named Lance who must battle a pizza syndicate while at the same time passing 8th grade.
Status: Halted

Vacation quest... Thing

You want to go on a vacation to the Great Beach Canyon. you've set aside your assets to pay for the trip. However, your fuel leaked out and your car keys are missing. What do you do? Play this game to find out.
Status: Completed

Puppy Hut and the Drunken Box Banshee

The puppy hut prized missile soup recipe has been stolen by the Drunken Box Banshee. Caramel Candy producing hero, Dirt Squat, must defeat the metal rubber band file soldiers, destroy the Drunken Box Banshee, and retrieve the recipe for missile soup.
Status: In Progress

Pizzaville One: The Pizza Fairie goes mad

The pizza fairie has stolen the document on how to make particle beam weapon boxes. Only Mason Food can use the power of drugged pineapple Fu to defeate the fairie in time for the party festival.
Status: Halted

Pizzaville Two: Tale of the Secret scarpears

Peter Pimp Pizza Boy stole the cart of scarpears using a trumpet tree. Now, it's up to Mason Food and trunk punk punk daddy to retrieve the scarpears from the lair of dark oily meatballs.
Status: Halted


Room 663

You have been a consistant target of the godfather. He took everything from you. Now, you have a lead on his location. A note was given to you on his location by an associate of yours. You armed yourself with the most reliable stuff you have, and took off.
Status: In Progress

Status Code:
Completed - Ahhh... Come and witness the fruit that is being beared by our company. In other words, you can play this game at any time.
In Progress - It's being worked on at the moment.
Halted/Postponed - We'll continue it later... maybe.
Cancelled - Toast. Dead. A bad project that's up for grabs by anyone else.

Copyright 2002