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| KZ Emulation |
2/27/02 9:27AM - Krowzer
It's been a long time since I've updated my site. It's getting kinda boring, I didn't think it would, but it is, I am going to add some gaming sections to make it a little more fun for me and you. So I will go now... and I will add some stuff. Well, I can't upload anything because I am at school right now and I am supposed to be doing my work, but I have a sub for the next 2 days :) so I will update today and tommorow I guess.
2/13/02 4:16PM - Krowzer
The snes roms section is up with 48 roms. It's not a lot, but I'm working on it. I am going to now start construction on the Nintendo roms page and then the Nintendo 64 roms page.
2/12/02 5:10PM - Krowzer
I remodeled the site to make it look more professional instead of adding roms, but I'm going to do that now. I've been a little behind, I havent even finished the emulators yet, but I do have all the main emulators that people use, most of these emulators are for systems most of you havent even heard of so I can finisht that later, but I'm going to go add roms right....... now.
2/10/02 9:53PM - Krowzer
Well, I have been watching a movie so I havent worked much on the links page at all, hehe. I have a few links up, I'm going to finish those after this movie is over. Then I will start finishing up the Emulators section, only about 20 more to go, heh. Well, I should finish before tonight is up, then after school tommorow I will start construction on the roms section.
2/10/02 2:42PM - Krowzer
I have the emulators section with 26 new added emulators. I checked all the links and they are all fine, none broken. It took a while to put those emulators up, but they are up now, not too many more to put up so I should be finished by the end of the day. After I am done with the emulators section I will start construction onto the roms section. That will take me weeks to get up to speed with as many roms that there are out there, but the roms section can never be complete because there are always new games to find. I am going to go start the links section because that is easy to do, the more things up the better.
2/9/02 11:12PM - Krowzer (KZ)
Welcome to KZ Emulation the best source for emulation on the net. I made this site because everytime I make a site it tends to be hard to make like a dbz site or an anime site. Well, I decided to try and make an emulation site because I thought it would be a lot easier to make, and also I am very bored right now. I am going to actually try to make this site successful unlike most of my other ones. I am going to keep the news, events, and updates on this front page "Index". After I am done with the front page I will upload some emulators and than go for the roms section, it shouldnt take too long so I will keep you informed of all my updates. So check back later for more.
Webmaster: Justin Robinson - Krowzer (KZ)