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I stepped through a portal to the eleven kingdom, to find that it had been in war.Thousands of elfs, orcs and trolls lay dead or wounded. I was the only one of my kind ever to enter this realm and i didnt intend to leave it any time soon. I roamed over the corpses of the dead until i stumbled across my elfish friend..ITHRINDIL! This might have been by luck or fate, i didnt care at the time, i had to see if he was alive. To my horror he had not made it. A tear came down my face and i had flashbacks of the times we had in the human world, the mischief we caused, the fun we had.All this brought a huge smile to my face. SUDDENLY a great light appeared over the hills and an unwanted face was revealed. IT was the dreaded SHAI'TAN. Before i had time to run i was struck by a great bolt which killed me instantly.The thousands of bodies laid there for 998 years with the evil Shai'tan watching over them.That was until the saviour was Salocin! Shai'tan fled with his army.With him gone,Salocin gave an almighty cry, and with that the bodies stood up! He had ressurected us! Myself and Ithrindil stood up and immediatly embraced each other. This was the beggining of the uniting of all races in a fight against evil. The start of the hiddenworld! div align="center">
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